Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Is Catholic Teaching Tolerated in Charlotte or Not? Blameless Dominican Sister Put on Indefinite Leave for Doing Her Job

Edit: Imagine if St. Paul had been put on indefinite leave by St. Peter in the light of this:

Romans 1:26-27: For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged the natural sexual relations for unnatural ones,  and likewise the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed in their passions for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Although Sister Jane Dominic Laurel has received some belated support from the Diocese of Charlotte,  it should not be forgotten that the Diocese was eager to apologize for her to the professionally orchestrated campaign against her rather tame remarks.  Despite this, she is still being sent on an indefinite sabbatical.  Must the approval of the wicked be sought after too?  Here is Diocesan PR man kowtowing to the consensus:
Diocese spokesman David Hains acknowledged after the meeting that the Rev. Matthew Kauth, the school’s chaplain, apologized to the parents for a March 21 speech by Sister Jane Dominic Laurel that was not the one he expected her to give. 
Hains also said the high school committed to developing new policies that would better scrutinize visiting speakers in the future. He said the school also wants to do a better job of communicating with parents ahead of time when such speeches will deal with sensitive subjects such as sexuality. “Parents should have been better informed,” Hains said. 
During her speech, Laurel quoted studies that said gays and lesbians are not born with same-sex attractions, and that children in single-parent homes have a greater chance of becoming homosexual, Hains and others said. Diocese spokesman David Hains acknowledged after the meeting that the Rev. Matthew Kauth, the school’s chaplain, apologized to the parents for a March 21 speech by Sister Jane Dominic Laurel that was not the one he expected her to give. 
Hains also said the high school committed to developing new policies that would better scrutinize visiting speakers in the future. He said the school also wants to do a better job of communicating with parents ahead of time when such speeches will deal with sensitive subjects such as sexuality. “Parents should have been better informed,” Hains said. -

Now Lifesite News is telling us that Sister is being "supported" by the Diocese.  Looks like the Diocese wants to please everyone here.  Maybe two masters can be served?

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  1. It is absurd to suggest that persons have an unnatural attraction to persons of the same sex from the beginning. We are not created with a desire to have intrinsically unnatural and sinful relations. God does not create us with intrinsically disordered desires, desires engage in intrinsically evil acts/relations.

  2. Since when do high school students rule the world?! Hains is a Judas.


    1. Only if you're talking about St. Nicholas' definition of "resist"

      ♫He's making a fist, and checkin' it twice....

      (Never against any women of course, I was thinking of a few members of the Episcopacy)

  4. “Parents should have been better informed,” Hains said. Yes. Of their Catholic faith.
    '. . the Rev. Matthew Kauth, the school’s chaplain, apologized to the parents.' Whaaaaaat?

  5. "...school committed to developing new policies that would better scrutinize visiting speakers in the future."

    Goodness, how totalitarian.

    "...apologized to the parents for a March 21 speech by Sister Jane Dominic Laurel that was not the one he expected her to give."

    So, remind me again, which articles can you use from the Catechism now...?

    "...wants to do a better job of communicating with parents ahead of time when such speeches will deal with sensitive subjects such as sexuality."

    Wow, perhaps Mr Hains would like to encourage the diocesan priests to preach more about Catholic sexual morals from the pulpit so that Catholics won't turn into a braying mob when a nun covers this aspect of Church teaching.

    Deary me, just imagine, Mr Hains would have to set up some kind of system to monitor diocesan priests preaching on sexual morals to parishioners so he can warn them in advance... A little note in the previous week's bulletin:


    Fr Antony Padua, will be preaching on chastity and bringing up your children in chastity next week. We, of course, encourage attendance and expect a full parish turn out for next week's Mass.

    David Hains
    Diocesan Spokesman
    Diocese of Charlotte

    You never know, Mr Hains might become so good at his sexual morals warning system, he might actually start to encourage his priests to catechise parishioners on this highly neglected subject, ie, a little letter:

    Dear Fr M Luther

    According to the Curial Database, it has come to my attention that, as yet, you have not preached on sexual morals to your parishioners. Ever contemplating the example set by the holy St John Vianney, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of your duty towards parishioners with regard to the One True Faith.

    Always respectful to alter Christus

    Yours sincerely

    D H etc etc

    On another note - it does make me wonder how exactly these Catholics are living their sexual lives that they would turn into a lynch mob? How many of these people's family/children are actually living as single mothers aka getting pregnant out of wedlock, or whatever else they might be doing?

    '. . the Rev. Matthew Kauth, the school’s chaplain, apologized to the parents.' Whaaaaaat?

    Indeed, Genty. Awful. Fr Kauth is encouraging the 'lynching' of any priest or nun who will teach the rightful faith.
