Thursday, April 24, 2014

Horror Missae: Gregorian Liturgical Ballet

Edit: from the Catholic Conclave.  There's always something novel they can do.


  1. Thank goodness it was some simpleton young female. I was afraid it was going to be the priest.

  2. Gods sake, they're not even GOOD dancers!!!!!!!!

  3. I will not condemn this girl, priest or these people. I lay the blame squarely at the feet of the Holy See and the Popes.

  4. Argentina has to share some blame for this.

  5. So effing Jewish.

  6. And there we have it - Pope Benedict's Hybrid Mass - that is what he touted as the final solution liturgically - the hybridisation of NO and TLM so that the former would look less fabricated, less inorganic, a bit more traditional and, of course, totally invalid. And most of you believed he was a traditionalist and wanted the TLM back for all time. You were wrong - this was far from his intention and this is why the Summorum Pontificum has relatively little authority. It is Quo Primum of Pope St Pius X, the Tridentine Councils and the precursor codification of Pope St Gregory The Great which give The Latin Mass its Sacred Traditional and doctrinally infallible guarantees. Nothing the post-conciliar popes have done liturgically hold any weighty because they fabricated a new liturgy in an anathematised vulgar tongue with the liturgical services of a freemason "Buan" or Mgr Bugnini who was automatically excommunicated for his membership. Furthermore, the post-conciliar popes are all rabid ecumenists thus at enmity with Our Blessed Lady, while they are all liberal modernists condemned posthumously by Pope St Pius X in "Pascendi..."

  7. It's not that I'm fixated on this post but each time there's another comment I come back, or something like that. I know a "liturgical dancer". She is a Catholic of birth become evangelical Zionists-(c)histian. She is also vain.
    Nothing to do with that... In a doctors office I've visited for fifteen years there was one day a large pharmaceutical advert-poster on the wall. A young nymphish child in somewhat gossamer attire. I won't describe the child depicted further. The advert was Cialis. I was something? Start with speechless. Next time it was still there. I told him how Hans Christian Andersen it was. How very vulgar. perverse and outrageous it was and it was for him to advertise such a pedophilial display and to take it down. He said he didn't realize and he took it down. Liturgical, some call it worship dance... Yeh Yeh sure. Who is being worshipped.

  8. A thousand apologies for misstating a non-fact as a fact. Recollecting again the Dr. Office Affair, I in fact recall correctly that the child nymphet poster was as I said large, couldn't miss it but in fact the male product poster advert was half or a bit less as large and a separate poster. In my mind's eye it had over some time melded as one. Was that the intent of whomever arranged the display? Seems so. There weren't any other posters or pictures or displays. Also though I couldn't watch much of the Liturgical- uh- dance due to poor streaming I could see that the dancer is not a child -I think- and I'm not saying the intent is sexual but it seems it very easily becomes that. Is it Jewish? Seems to me. Why? Because seems it came into the Modern Church from some Evangelical Protestant trend-fad and wouldn't ya know that came from their Dispensationalism-Paganism. Jewish.
