Friday, April 4, 2014

Argentine President Campaigns For Sodom as Godmother in Sacrilege

Edit: I just received an e-mail about asking us to comment on this.  As usual, we can't say anything as well as Nardi.  Of course, there are two different cases.  The one reported by is actually more shocking, although it  happened in 2012.

(Buenos Aires) Recently on the 17th of March,  Cristina Kirchner looked demonstratively in the direction of  Pope Francis, whom she had asked for an audience. On the 5th of April   the Argentine State President also demonstratively appealed as the godmother to the daughter of a lesbian whose aberrosexual lover also portrays herself as "Mother". The Argentine media has reported extensively on the action and  Kirchner's participation at the baptism of Umma Azul in the Cathedral of Cordoba.
Javier Klajner is youth minister and member of the Priestly Council in the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires. Tasks and offices which he already held, when Jorge Mario Bergoglio was Archbishop in the Argentine capital. Don Klajner defended the baptism for Vatican insider . Pope Francis was "always making sure   'that no child should be denied baptism,"  occurring completely independent of the situation of the parents. "He had exhorted the priests," says Klajner, to refuse no unmarried woman  the baptism of her child because the priest was  "not a manager". The Archdiocese of Cordoba has announced, says Klajner, that the baptism of "the daughter of Soledad Ortiz and Karina Villarroel like all other cases"  would be like any other. The baptism will be performed by  Carlos Varas.

Archdiocese: Baptism with Lesbian "Parents" Being Treated "Like Everyone Else"

 The baptism has upset resistance against it. Critics see it as a media spectacle that will be utilized specifically for aberro-propaganda. It was not about the baptism, but the abuse of a sacrament for the socio-political struggle of the LGBT organizations. This was demonstrated by the fact that State President Kirchner is  the godmother to the child. In addition, the question of standing in the room, as the two women are living in open homosexuality,   want to raise the child as  a Christian. Whether the child was conceived through artificial insemination is speculation, say the critics, however,  it would be for the church leaders of importance to clarify the seriousness of the mother of Umma. The Catholic Critics accuse the Archdiocese of Cordoba,  of closing their  eyes to reality and  pretending that everything was fine. That instead of a man and a woman, two women will act as "parents", will simply be ignored.

No Confirmation for the Two "Mothers"

That there are serious doubts about the Catholic faith of the two women is confirmed even by the Archdiocese Cordoba.  Initially the   Argentine media reported  that the two women are also to simultaneously receive Confirmation with the baptism of the child. The reports have now been denied. Archbishop Nanez had given no such permission, let the Archdiocese know. Rosana Triunfetto from the Ordinary of the Archdiocese said: "The Sacrament of Confirmation was is not being conferred on the two mothers  yet as the Archbishop of Cordoba has not approved this. There may be doubt because the couple has not made truthful statements."

First "Gay Couple" of Cordoba

Karina Villarroel and Soledad Ortiz have been  "married" for a year. The controversial law legalizing "gay marriage", which prevailed, was made possible by   President Kirchner . The two women are among the better-known aberrosexual activists in Argentina. They were the first aberrosexual couple that has been received in the province of Cordoba, for a "gay marriage".
Critics of the homo-spectacle say that the refusal of a sacrament is a gross measure, which must be justified, but could be offered legitimately and is sometimes even mandatory. Because "It is far more serious to manipulate  the sacraments for political reasons." The sacraments are visible signs of God's grace and not a "performance for political objectives". This also applied to State President Kirchner.

"Had Bergoglio Not Become Pope, The Baptism Would Have Been  Much More Difficult"

Karina Villarroel meanwhile said the media that Archbishop Carlos Nanez have given instructions for a meeting and there are "no problems" there in the Cathedral. Umma Azul will  have a godfather and two godmothers, one of which is Argentina's President. "If Bergoglio would not have been elected Pope, the baptism would have been much more difficult," assures the lesbian. An assessment that, according to Vatican insider was shared by some Argentine church circles.
Is baptism a further confirmation that Pope Francis influenced the world with his statement about homosexuals in July of last yea  changed  the decisions of Catholics in favor of homosexuality, and indirectly justified it?

Signature Collection: No Abuse of a Sacrament for Homo-propaganda

There is a petition against the homo-baptismal event was in Argentina.  In the petition, Church leaders are asked to reject any attempt at political appropriation of a sacrament. There must be clarity, so the "wrong signals" can be avoided. This also included a wrong choice of words, as the name also of the lesbian lover of the child's mother as "mother". The petition is aimed officially at State President Kirchner, but goes especially to the Apostolic Nuncio in Argentina, the Swiss Archbishop Emil Paul Tscherrig, to the Archbishop of Buenos Aires and Primate of Argentina, Cardinal Mario Poli, to the Chairman of the Argentine Episcopal Conference, Archbishop Jose Maria Arancedo and to the Archbishop of Cordoba, Archbishop Carlos Jose Nanez.
The petition has already been signed by more than 5,600 Catholics ( the link to the petition ).
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Vatican Insider / Citizen.go
Trans: Tancred


  1. Cardinal Bergoglio permitted the public mockery of God first in the transgender homosexual case of the famous hedonist Florencia. Reparation is required for such desecration and scandal.

  2. In Argentina, the demons literally spit in your face. They know they can get away with anything. It will only get worse because they have support from those in power.

  3. Bergoglio es el culpable de toda esta aberración,
    Nunca pensé que iba a tener que ver a 2 mujeres besándose en una iglesia... a lo que hemos llegado¡¡¡

    El castigo de Dios en Argentina será terrible
    Y esos sacerdotes apóstatas no se librarán del mismo.

    Que triste, y qué horror.

  4. Bergoglio made it possible. Those who knew him from Argentina are not surprised. Worse things to come, this was just an "appetizer."

    Don Bernardo de Madrigal

    1. Two lesbians committing grave sacrilege in front of The Living God and in His House! All of this with the approval of the clergy! The hand of God must be getting ready to fall on the world.

      It's plain as day to me that Bergoglio is an enemy to Our Lord and his Church and that we were sent a destroyer. Time for the wheat and the chafe to be separated!
