Monday, March 3, 2014

Will the Franciscans of the Immaculate Heart be Integrated into the Decadent Capuchin Order?

(Rome) Should the Franciscans of the Immaculate be dissolved as a separate order and incorporated into the Capuchin Order? This rumor is  making the rounds on the Internet.  Vigiliae Alexandrinae refers to a “reliable source in Germany.”  Accordingly, a plan in preparation should be to integrated should the Franciscans of the Immaculate be forced into the Capuchin Order and thus dissolve the Order Father Stefano Maria Manelli  founded.
The  Congregation of Religious had established, with the approval of Pope Francis,  the  Apostolic Commissar, Father Fidenzio Volpi,  in July of last year. In his first official statement, dated 31 August 2013 Commissioner Volpi wrote:
"One of the central problems is due to the danger of a certain self-centeredness, that is, the desire to underline the unique characteristic peculiarity at all costs. I think it is, however, a certain proof of maturity to overcome such an attitude by recognizing the structure of the Church as the true reference point for their own charismatic experience with a humble and the Franciscan spirit. "
The website Vigiliae Alexandrinae writes: "We entrust the salvation of the Congregation of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception, the use of which has brought great fruits for the restoration of orthodoxy in the Church and aroused worldwide hope among Catholics,   to the prayers of our readers and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Traditio Catholica
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.coms


  1. If the Legionaries of Christ are dissolved into the Jesuits, I say "deal!"

  2. What became of the idea that each congregation has a unique charism?

  3. Abortion yay ! (Which is what that would be.)

  4. Although both are 'Franciscan", there is a tremendous amount of difference. The Capuchins are dying out as they embrace a relaxed rule in the cases I know of. The FFI were a vibrant, growing, missionary, faithful Institute....the key word is 'were'. Now they are fractured and there is punishment, suffering, brother against brother, and the joy has left except for those organizing a new government apparently. The FFI have a Marian Vow and a penitential life which the Capuchins do not have. We need the FFI!

    1. But they have no proper doctrinal or spiritual formation, which sheds considerable light on how they played into the hands of their enemies.

    2. You mean they didn't get the SimonReilley treatment? And, who says they played into anyone's hands? You obviously aren't as well informed as you think.

      They've already sued Father Volpi and won. The case also has a criminal aspect to it so someone's going to jail, God willing it'll be Volpi who certainly belongs in one.

  5. Better to go with SSPX.

  6. I don't really know, and I may be speaking out of turn, but it smells like the fix is in and an asset grab in the works.

  7. Francesco PossentiMarch 4, 2014 at 8:19 AM

    Has anybody considered that we should trust Rome? It may seem like a rather extraordinary idea, but maybe we should try and be Catholics who are respectful of their ecclesiastical superiors at least until all the information is at hand.

    1. There's a lot of information at hand. Father Volpi has libeled Father Manelli, for one thing. Rather than coming down on Catholics, why doesn't Rome come down on the Cardinal of Vienna, for example, whose outrages and abuses against the Faith occur frequently and with impunity?

    2. Because The Vatican is no longer Roman Catholic. They have been blinded by their love of man & their contempt for Christ, His law of Obedience as a prerequisite to love and their distrust of His Mother.
