Tuesday, March 4, 2014

This Time, It's the Bishop of South Bend Who Violates Sumorum Pontificum

Edit: this is in addition to the fiasco in Texas. Here's a link which explodes Marshall Taylor's flawed expose on the school at Harvesting the Fruit of Vatican II. Why have rules if you don't follow them?

Dear Father Jenkins:

Thank you for your visit today. I am writing you to state formally what I told you during our meeting. These norms take effect immediately.

1. You do not have permission to have the public celebration of the Ordinary Form of the Mass at the Chapel of Notre Dame University. This includes Sundays and weekdays. The weekly celebration of the Ordinary Form is available to the faithful every Sunday at St. Anthony de Padua Catholic Church in South Bend.

2. You may only have the celebration of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form by priests who explicitly have faculties for such celebration as granted by me as the Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend.

3. Failure to comply with the above-stated norms will result in my withdrawal of permission to celebrate the Eucharist in your chapel along with withdrawal of permission to reserve the Blessed Sacrament in the closet down the hall from the Chapel.

I make these norms out of my pastoral solicitude and care for the students of Notre Dame University as well as for your own soul. I urge you to comply with them. Please convey to your students my gratitude for their gift of the collected works of Hans Kung. Please assure them of their presence in my prayers. I remain,

Sincerely Yours In Christ,

Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend

100% True!

H/t: Angelqueen.


  1. This is a joke or a spoof, right?

    1. What did Belloc say? Something about the effect of satire being lost on a generation that had lost its sense of shame, or something like that.

    2. It is the intention of irony that it should do good, because it is the nature of irony that it should avenge the truth. ... Irony is unknown in those societies where the love of ease dominates all men. ... You will find irony treated angrily, as though it were an acid or a poison, where men love ease. And you will find it merely ignored when men have wholly lost the sense of justice. H. Belloc

  2. Worse still is the sheer disdain for Pope St Pius V's Papal Bull "Quo Primum" and all the Tridentine Councils had to say infallibly on the liturgy.
    The SP is a poisoned chalice of preconditions - for example, recognise the NO first before the Latin Mass is permitted. Ultimately, it was a medium for a hybrid Mass only which is what Benedict XVI wanted.

  3. That's like saying that the Dogmas of the Faith are a poison chalice because people ignore them. As to the NO, we stick with the SSPX line that it is a valid Liturgy. You of course are welcome to disagree much as you like, but that won't make it true.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes the SP is a very studiously worded document - it does not guarantee the Latin Mass in any respect at all whereas the referred to documents do with infallible doctrinal guarantees "in perpetuum". It is these and the acts of such popes as St Gregory The Great that assure all Roman Catholics of their eternal right to The Latin Mass. The SP sets out preconditions based on the recognition of a form of liturgy even its own author refers to as fabricated, without the character of Roman liturgy in not being organic and producing banality. Read the details very carefully - I have said ever since it came out that it guarantees nothing unless you accept the Cranmerian alternative. Ultimately, as the Institut du Bon Pasteur has discovered (and the Indult Socities have to tolerate everyday) - there is no change in Rome at all. You step inside the door and then they attempt to strip you liturgically naked: compromise or nothing.

    3. Well said, LeonG, as ever.

    4. If the Church has defected, I'm not interested in arguing the niceties of canon law with anyone, but this is solely your opinion.

      The New Mass is valid, whether you say it is or not.

  4. Imagine closing down Notre Dame for Sunday night pajama masses (that fulfill your "holy" day obligation):

    "Take Mass in the dormitory, for example. Mass in Dillon Hall was always very popular and held at 10:30 PM on Sunday; it had a very informal feel to it. People often dressed down and some even wore pajamas. The attire worn seemed to detract from the importance of Mass as one of the most important practices of the Catholic faith. With regard to the liturgy itself, everything was fine except for one part – the sign of peace. The sign of peace could go for as long as 5 minutes, with people criss-crossing the chapel to hug each and every one of their friendsTake Mass in the dormitory, for example. Mass in Dillon Hall was always very popular
    and held at 10:30 PM on Sunday; it had a very informal feel to it. People often dressed down and some even wore pajamas. The attire worn seemed to detract from the importance of Mass as one of the most important practices of the Catholic faith. With regard to the liturgy itself, everything was fine except for one part – the sign of peace. The sign of peace could go for as long as 5 minutes, with people criss-crossing the chapel to hug each and every one of their friends. The excitement of the participants and sheer length of the sign of peace seemed to emphasize the human aspect of the community to such an extent that it overshadowed the real reason for gathering together – the Eucharist."


    The ability for students to come together (in pajamas) for dorm mass every Sunday.” –Iheanyi Ekechukwu, junior


    Of course, Pope Francis, infamous for replacing prayers and rosaries w/beach balls and bikinis at Rio World Youth Day, tango masses, and transgender couple baptismal masses, told Fr. Jenkins when they met Jan 30 2014, that Notre Dame should "keep doing what it is doing."


  5. I think they said on Angelqueen that this was a joke, not to be taken seriously, satire, humour, etc.

  6. Ps. Bishop Rhoades first act as bishop of Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania was to bring the Gregorian Rite Mass aka the Latin Mass aka the Traditional Mass to St Lawrence Chapel. So something is amiss here.

  7. He also allowed for the TLM in Lancaster Pa. and hepled nurture it through its growing pains so I must confess I am confused...
