Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Archbishop Steps Down Pending Investigation: Another Catholic Bishop Being Hounded

Edit: when Benedict XVI. was trying to clean up house, there were approximately 2 dissident senior clergy forced to resign every month.  Now it seems it's open season on conservative clergy, or at least clergy that don't cooperate when it comes to Aberromarriage and the consensus.  For example, Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst of Limburg, or in this case, Archbishop John Nienstedt of Minneapolis-St. Paul, who is being blamed for crimes committed mostly under his leftist predecessors.

Showing a great deal of desperation, the enemies within and outside of the Church locally have drummed up what looks to be a very fabricated charge against the Archbishop, whose resignation is highly sought after.  Here's his letter from the Spirit:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This is a difficult letter for me to write to you. This past weekend I learned of an allegation from a young man whom I anointed in the Sacrament of Confirmation who alleged that he believes I inappropriately touched his buttocks during a public photo session following the ceremony. Please allow me to say that I normally stand for those photos with one hand on my crozier (staff) and the other either on the right shoulder of the newly confirmed or on my pallium (the short stole), which hangs from my chest. I do that deliberately and there are hundreds of photographs to verify that fact.
I do not know the individual involved; he has not been made known to me. I presume he is sincere in believing what he claims, but I must say that this allegation is absolutely and entirely false. I have never once engaged in any inappropriate contact with a minor and I have tried to the very best of my ability to serve this Archdiocese and the church faithfully, with honor and due regard for the rights of all, even those with whom I disagree.
I have taken strong stands on the moral teachings of the Church and been criticized for it. I would not have done so if I did not believe those teachings and was personally bound to living up to them in practice.
True, I am a sinner, but my sins do not include any kind of abuse of minors. I have met victims and I know the lasting damage that such abuse causes.
The psalms from the Liturgy of the Hours have had a special echo in my heart these past weeks as I pray for those in distress. “But God does hear the cries of the poor. Blessed be the Lord.”
I hope that the investigations can be thorough but quick. I already long to be back in public ministry—to be able to serve as the Lord has called me to serve.
I regret this will be my last column until the present investigations are complete. These days will give me the time to pray for you and the individual involved. I ask that you pray for me too. 
With every good wish, I remain
Cordially Yours in Christ,
The Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt
Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis


  1. I'm sure SNAP and the 'Unaccountable Website' will get plenty of smear fun out of this.

  2. Homosexuality is a Mortal SinDecember 17, 2013 at 12:47 PM

    This is the standard MO of the sexually deviant crowd. Find someone to play "victim" and accuse the man who dares thwart our evil deeds. No matter even if the person doesn't even exist because they do not have to bring the "accuser" forward anyway.

  3. Prayer from us, for him, is what is needed. Let us pray. Amen.

  4. It is open season on the faithful clergy from Cardinal Burke to this Archbishop who has been outspoken for marriage and truth to the Franciscans of the Immaculate who were 'leaning traditional'.

  5. This is unjust. No due process. He doesn't even who his accuser is, never mind any kind of proper procedural investigation having been carried out, yet this highly prejudicial and easily-made allegation has been made public doing irreparable harm to his reputation. Everyone is entitled to their fundamental rights as a person. So much for presumption of innocence.

  6. LOL. The korrupt korpulent kweens are finally coming into their own.

  7. Had he been a hanes grazer, he would be given the benefit of doubt. He would have also been allowed to stay in as Bishop and following his retirement, written a book on coming out. He would go on to NPR stations everywhere and be celebrated for how "bold" he was.

  8. I guess nobody will laugh but my first thoughts were 'what a drag',' what a bummer'. I nearly despair and I'm not alone. Prayers for the Archbishop +

    1. Fast on the Ember DaysDecember 19, 2013 at 3:06 PM

      Don't be in despair. But fight like a Catholic. Take up arms of fasting and praying the Holy Rosary for the pope and the Church and especially that the Consecration of Russia be properly made.

      It is easy to pray for our friends. Not so easy to pray for our enemies. But that is what makes it a sacrifice.

  9. The infiltration of evil goes to the top. Faithful holy men of God are in the target zone.

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