Thursday, September 5, 2013

Support for the Pontiff and why I feel bad

As someone who likes affirmation, I must say that it feels nice to be regularly condemning Obama's proposed war in Syria. As we may be tottering on the brink of World War III, now is the perfect moment to come together with all people of good will and oppose the Masonic tyrants who run both Washington DC and Paris. In the words of the Psalmist, O Lord, "scatter thou the people that delight in war." (Ps. 68:30)

It goes without saying that we at the EF fully support and applaud Pope Francis for getting us through these turbulent times by a call for both prayer and fasting. Such is his duty. We encourage everyone, especially those pseudo-traditionalists who think that tradition equals the 1950s, to do a liquid fast from Friday afternoon until after Holy Communion on Sunday morning. If you can't at least do that, you're not hardcore. What would St. Jerome say?

Nevertheless, with all this just anti-war rhetoric, I still feel like a smelly leftist protesting Vietnam. Does anyone want to sing Kumbaya, Let there be Peace on Earth, and Dona Nobis Pacem around an Advent Wreath? 

(Please note: We don't worship in only one language because we're a diverse community.)


  1. Did I not leave a comment?

  2. I see. I don't know if I am getting cranky or it is you are. Cheers though.

  3. Maybe Max got it? I haven't had a chance to check the spam filter. And I am cranky in general.

  4. Sometimes more cranky than other times you. I've never been
    spammed, never. By now (at the moment) I don't recall what I
    said or if I said anything. Cheers anyway. Full disclosure,
    I've been absolutely banned one time for all time I guess and that was by that Judaeo-Catholic-Anti-Muslim-Obssessed-
    Fanatic North Face Search who posted Easter last a painting
    of Christ Crucified with the caption Elohim is Risen.

  5. Whatever I said or didn't say before right now I'll say this.
    I don't hear any Kumbayas etc. But I hear a lot of Liar, Liar and War Pigs and Masters of War.

  6. Here's another one. David's prayer was answered.

  7. Gnomically that would be, 'And God scattered them over the
