Monday, June 17, 2013

Lutheran Church: "Homosexuality is Part of Creation"

Edit: despite the fact that there are quite a few German Catholic Bishops pushing for  the legalization of aberrosexual marriage, it's going to be very difficult to justify the upcoming ecumenical celebrations celebrating the Protestant Revolt. Here's the translation from Junge Freiheit:

[Darmstadt] The Synod of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN) has largely assimilated the blessing of homosexual couples with the traditional marriage of a man and woman. As the EKHN announced on Saturday, the Synod decided to upgrade the blessing of same-sex partnerships.

The intention of the Church Parliament for such blessings are to be certified in the future church records. It will also consider whether the ceremony can also be called a marriage.

"Homosexuality can be seen as part of creation"

Delivered up by a large majority in the regulations of the Synod, it is described by Hessian Broadcasting, among other things: "Today, it is assumed that the same-sex orientation belongs to the natural conditions of life. Homosexuality can be seen as part of creation. "

Church President Volker Jung praised the decision of the Synod for the blessing: "Here the current practice of the blessings of registered partnerships which is consistently integrated into the portion of the ceremony," he said. The Protestant understanding are both acts of blessing and not [yet] sacraments. (Krk)

Link to Junge Freiheit [One of Germany's conservative political weeklies.]...


  1. …and Luther's a part of hell.

  2. Cyanide and Ricin are part of creation too but I don't recommend ingesting them. A society embracing sodomy will end up the same as a person who ingests Ricin, it just takes longer for societies to die.

  3. And this insane, so called church founded by Luther is what ecu-maniac Cardinal Koch wants the Catholic Church to celebrate in 2017? Shear madness! Of course what man has planned differs drastically from the will of God. Hopefully this disgraceful 'celebration' never happens. Domine, miserere nobis. +JMJ+

  4. Luther was wrong therefore Lutherans are not credible either.

    Seriously, what they say is scientific nonsense. They can believe this if they choose but the choice lacks biblical and scientific bases.


  5. Are paedophiles part of creation?

    1. myself, thinks this is a brilliant point, Mal.

  6. If homosexuals were part of creation God would not have said that it is a sin so heinous that it deserves the death penalty: "Not only them that do such things but them also who consent to them that do them." (Romans 1: 32). Homosexuality is rather a result of original sin. But it is useless telling those blind leaders of the blind that - no, they are more than blind, was not the Protestant revolt the work of secret societies now known as Freemasonry? How could Protestantism have survived if it was not propped up by Freemasonry? Such drivel as this latest idea about homosexuality could only come from the enemies of Jesus Christ.

  7. Disordered passions are absolutely NOT part of God's orderly Creation. The theological ignorance of non-Catholics and their willingness to profane what is of God is appalling. Not surprising. Just appalling.

  8. Call them for what they are: sodomites. "Homosexual" makes it seem as though there's a genetic, innate basis for it being "natural" to perform acts of sodomy. There isn't. See TFP's Defending a Higher Law, e.g., ch. 11.

    1. That's what the Lutheran Church in German calls them, so it's appropriate to use that term there, I think.

  9. The female version of the perversion is named after their infamous geographic location. Why do the male perverts not take the name of theirs? Not wanting to be so obviously connected to the infamous place of God's anger and disgust?

  10. I guess Lesbos sounds more bucolic, romantic and remote than the cities on the plain.
