Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pictorial Fragment of Indians in Vatican Painting

Edit: Silvia Poggoli never loses n opportunity to attack the Church. The black legends surrounding the pontificate of Alexander VI is a fairly outworn implement in the arsenal of anti-Catholic propagandists. But this Italian journalist gets her information on the Catholic Church mostly from her contempt for it, and popular television programs. In any case, she manages to find in a very interesting fragment of the Church's artistic patrimony, a worthy cause for her blithe hostility.

[NPR] The painting was commissioned by Pope Alexander VI. Anyone who has followed the TV series The Borgias knows he was the infamous Rodrigo Borgia, a Spaniard who fathered several children and became a symbol of church corruption.

Alexander VI became pope in 1492, only a few months before Columbus made landfall.

Art historian Paolucci is convinced the entire Pinturicchio fresco cycle for the Borgia Apartments inside the Vatican had been completed by the end of 1494.


  1. Beat it, Spambot.

  2. Sorry about that, I try to leave it open so anyone who wants can comment, but some spam invariably gets through, although I try to keep on top of it.

  3. Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! Alleluiah!May 6, 2013 at 8:41 AM

    I used to be in charge of a friend's forum and it was a full time job removing the spam. That it hardly ever happens here is amazing.

    To the topic of the article: I saw this posted elsewhere online and kept waiting for comments so that I could understand what the significance. Nobody commented and so I still don't know. Do you know, Tancred?

  4. It's one of those rare things that come up in art history that are fascinating. I think it's interesting in this case, because it provides an opportunity for a writer like Peggioli to attack the Church. I'm sure there are many more interesting points that could be made, like the humanistic touch, and the perception of the Indians by the Italian painter as "noble savages", but I too would like to see more learned commentary on it.

  5. NPR is run by Jews; Ellen Weiss used to run the newsroom and her Rebbe Husband, David Saperstein, was the sicko who led the homosexual "marriage" movement in N.Y. that his wife made sure her newsroom, NPR, gave favorable coverage of .

    In transparent America, these facts are considered unworthy of mention in "All things considered."

    1. You know, not Spartacus...I for one sure would like to hear more from you. Wish you'd re-open your blog.

  6. Not Spartacus is not fooled.
