Saturday, February 9, 2013

Father Luc of Brothers of St. John: Reproach Doesn't Correspond to Reality

Edit: I'm guessing we're still not any closer to knowing why these steps were taken.

The crisis of the Sisters of St. John -- The Prior of Marchegg takes issue with's statement and makes some reproaches against the sisters.

Vienna (  The article about the tragic developments with the Sisters of St. John has led to some reactions.  Father Luc, the Prior of the Johannine Brothers, would like a word, as he has written some reproaches of the sisters, which would refute statements  mentioned in the article.  Fr. Luc clearly states that he calls upon the same founder, Fr. Marie-Dominque Philippe OP.   Not withstanding the two branches work as two "autonomous congregations with their own superiors, their own constitutions and statutes."  The brothers then also don't want to reveal the internal difficulties of the sisters.  The Prior explains to that the Cloister of the Sisters in Marchegg, Austria, is empty at present.  "We take care of it it however and use it in any case as a prayer and guest place, in the expectation that our sisters will return."

As to the reproach the sisters make that the General Prior of the Brothers want to have the highest authority over all three branches of the Johannine family, Fr. Luc imparted clarifying to  "Each of the three congregations in the family of St. John, that means the brothers, the contemplative sisters and also the apostolic sisters, have their  own leadership structure.  Our founder desired this from the beginning. Some years before a "council of the Johannine family" was founded with the three general priors ("Conseil de Famille"),  in order to strengthen cooperation between the three congregations.  It was never the case of a 'highest authority': as attempt to reduce this complex crisis to a power struggle is really very theatrical, but it doesn't correspond to reality.  God knows, how much all of the brothers pray for and support their sisters and to carry this consequences of this crisis with patience.  We have the secure hope that better times must come, and each will recognize the clear will of God."

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  1. What "doesn't correspond to reality" is that habited, contemplated nuns who spend their time before Jesus in holy adoration could be found guilty of anything. I do not believe this prior.

  2. As the mother of one these good and faithful sisters, I cannot believe that anyone who knows these sisters; who has witnessed the love of God and the joy they bring to every community/person with whom they have contact can believe that there is any issue great enough for them to be treated so harshly by their fellow Brothers and Sisters, and by the Vatican. That is what "doesn't correspond to reality." We pray that the Church allows for more dialogue, and hope for a resolution to this crisis.

    1. It does seem that those who govern the Church today are bent on injustice and persecution for those faithful to Catholic Faith. There is no denying that those in conflict with Church Teaching are allowed to continue leading souls to error and often elevated to the highest levels in the Curia.

      There is no excuse whatsoever for these nuns to be treated so harshly and disrespectfully. Regardless if it is found that some infraction against the authority of a superior has taken place.

  3. "The Contemplative Sisters of Laredo seek to live a life of prayer, fraternal charity and a search for the truth." A search for the truth???? Surely this is not the same sisters as is being discussed above!

  4. I think it's possible that what Father Luc has said is true, but I also think that the male members of this society has put some pressure on the sisters to conform in whatever ways someone upstairs is wanting them to conform, too.

  5. "God knows, how much all of the brothers pray for and support their sisters and to carry this consequences of this crisis with patience."

    C'est pas vrai! Nettoyez votre propre maison avant de commencer le nettoyage chez les autres!

    1. They have proved their obedience to the Church ...inspite of powerful enemies and much vilification, They are now the Sisters of Mary the Morning Star!
