Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Modernist Priest Demands Resignation of Archbishop

Edit: the Archdiocese intends to continue preaching the truth about homosexuality, but it will apparently do that without the help of Father Tegeder, the long-haired Old Liberal priest from the parish of St. Francis Cabrini who continues to promote Sodomy. This from the Start Tribune:

“The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis will continue to build up this community according to our principles, including giving voice and unwavering defense to the unborn, the poor and forgotten, the abused and the lonely. And we will continue to work to strengthen marriage, and defend it against all forms of its weakening, for the good of all society. We can do nothing less than continue to propose and do our best to live out what we believe.”

Meanwhile, the Rev. Mike Tegeder, a frequent critic of Nienstedt, who serves as pastor at two Minneapolis churches, submitted an e-mailed letter to The Star Tribune on Wednesday calling for Nienstedt to vacate his post.

“As a priest of the Archdiocese I would ask our Archbishop, John Nienstedt, to prayerfully consider stepping down from his office,” the letter states. “It would be healing for our state and our church and would show some magnanimity on his part.”

Jim Accurso, a spokesman with the archdiocese, said Wednesday afternoon the archdiocese was not aware of the letter but would take a look at it and possibly respond to it.
Source... H/t: Tom.


  1. “As a priest of the Archdiocese I would ask our Archbishop, John Nienstedt, to prayerfully consider stepping down from his office,”

    At least he didn't say "get rid of". Amazing where one find's a remaining bit of charity and grace. And where one does not.

    1. There's nothing charitable about promoting sodomy.

    2. You missed the point. Other than that you are spot on.

  2. Tegeder is a great man saying what so many faithful Catholics feel in our hearts. Nienstedt is a cruel mean-spirited bigot with no integrity. He needs to go so we can start healing and return to gospel values.

    1. There's nothing faithful about what he or those supporting him are doing.

    2. If that whack's sentiments are what you feel in your heart you are anything but "faithful". "gospel values"??? ROFL ROFL ROFL Oh MAN you pathetic Christ-hating loser. If you want to start "healing", start KNEELING. Try the confessional and cease being of THE DEVIL. Sodomy is a mortal sin. Stop promoting it. Start being Catholic. Or pack your bag 'cause your train to Hell will be boarding soon.

  3. Dear Anonymous @10:47am:

    When your homosexual friends start to shrivel up and die from AIDS or hepatitus-B or God knows what then may they start to think about who it was who was trying to save them and who it was who was condemning them, in this case to death.

    A poof can delude himself all he wishes about the unsanitary practice of homosexuality, but he can't fool his body. Eventually, it will kill him. And if he dies without sacramental absolution he will go to Hell.

    Hate to be so blunt, but sometimes a dash of cold water in the face can awaken one from his delirium.

  4. Let's hear you clowns comment on the resignation of Fr. Laird. Hopefully, Neinstedt will be next to go. Oh, the horror!

    1. I'd rather see more people like Roman Polanski go to prison, but our society has placed an undue emphasis on treating the Catholic Church differently.

  5. Of course, Tegeder should admit he's not Catholic and leave of his own accord, but that's not happening.

  6. "A poof can delude himself all he wishes about the unsanitary practice of homosexuality, but he can't fool his body. Eventually, it will kill him. And if he dies without sacramental absolution he will go to Hell."

    And you know for certain that anyone will go to hell? I don't think so.

    I think more of Minnesota society is discovering that Neinstedt is the one who should be condemned for the priestly child abuse cover-up. We already know that he is obsessed with the gay marriage issue. It's difficult to be a voice on morality when the child abuse issue is in the forefront. Do you think Neinstedt should admit he has been involved in a grave scandal and resign? He is losing his moral authority with each passing day.

  7. The only reason people are beating the drum to get rid of The Archbishop is because he said sodomomarriage is from the devil. If people were consistent about this, the Green and DNC would be attacked as an institution for its role in abusing children.

  8. A lot of rational people reject Neinstedt's ramblings because they demean a segment of the population for the way that they were created. It is related to the Golden Rule, and I believe more of society (including a significant percentage of Catholics) is accepting this view. A few years ago, Neinstedt advised a mother to forsake her openly gay son if she expected to get to heaven. What mother would do that? The day cannot come soon enough when society rejects this way of thinking.

  9. Another aspect of Neinstedt that bothers me is that he is not willing to meet with gay advocate groups, instead saying that Church teaching is clear on the subject. This just turns people off from him, thinking he is unapproachable. It is certainly not a pastoral approach. Let me use the example of a teacher, since I teach at a college in central MN. If I were to never take questions in class or be available to meet with my students outside of class, I would not last very long in that position. Neinstedt is old-school, in which he is used to Catholics accepting the Church's pronouncements no-questions-asked. He is too stubborn to realize that most of society is not this way anymore, and the sooner he is gone the better for MN Catholics. Pope Francis' tone toward homosexuality is different than Pope Benedict's and certainly Neinstedt's; that is why many people have warmed to him, although I doubt the majority of conservative Catholics have.
