Monday, September 17, 2012

Will the Pope Celebrate the Immemorial Mass of All Ages?

Edit: For this not to be a fairly high profile event, it is certainly being covered by a lot of high-profile news organs.

The apparent "Reform of the Reform" of Pope Benedict XVI. has been a paper tiger for over seven years of this pontificate.  Will the Pope seek a new impulse?

( On November 3rd thousands of Traditionalists from throughout the world are coming to a Mass in the Old Rite in St. Peter's.

On the 10th of September the organizers from the Roman parish Trinità dei Pellegrini, which is directed by the Priestly Society of St. Peter,  made the event public.

Widely promoted

The organizer of the pilgrimage is the site "Coetus Internationalis Pro Summorum Pontificum'.  It operates as a collaboration of various Catholic organizations.

The clerical assistant of the pilgrimage is a well-known French priest, Fr. Claude Barthe.

From Germany there's a group pilgrimaging from the lay organization 'Pro Missa Tridentina'.

Who Will Celebrate?

At the press conference it wasn't revealed who would celebrate the Mass.

That was a sentence from the well-informed blog '' left open for speculation.

It read there that the pilgrimage would go down in Church history, if the rumors about who the celebrant is to be were valid.

This will be read by observers as proof that Pope Benedict XVI. -- whose "Reform of the Reform" has long been stalled out -- will use this opportunity to say his first Pontifical High Mass in the Old Rite.

Many television news have reported

The pilgrimage is being held in thanksgiving for the promulgation of the Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum'.

Additionally, it is a true announcement for the Pope in view of the Church's current decline.

There are several international television organizations present -- among them 'EWTN', 'CNN', 'Fox News', 'BBC', 'RAI', and even the Arabic broadcaster 'Al Jazeera'.

Advertising Video for the Pilgrimage

On September 12th the organizers published a short advertisement of the pilgrimage with the Titel 'Una cum Papa nostro".


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Good points, except the Pope celebrating the Real Mass will encourage more priests to learn how to celebrate it.

  2. It is a lovely dream to imagine that His Holiness will step out of character and celebrate the Ancient Rite Mass but, alas, it is still only a dream.

    Let's put it this way: I most certainly hope I am wrong in that assessment...but I wont hold my breath, either.

  3. president obama will say the real tridentine latin mass before pope frances.
