Sunday, September 23, 2012

Karaganda Cathedral: Marred by Cramner Table

Edit: things are ok as long as people in upper management stay away.  Whose idea was it to send Cardinal Sodano, anyway?

The Reform of the Reform Didn't Happen

Cardinal Sodano Consecrates Wrong Altar
The joy was of short duration.  Photos show that the Old Liberal Ex-Secretary of State Angelo Cardinal Sodano consecrated a liturgical ironing board at the blessing of the Cathedral of Karaganda.

(  Photographs which were published at the website of the Archdiocese of Moscow have brought this to light.

In the new Cathedral of Karaganda there is a high altar and a moveable super table, which has been placed on a carpet.

The summit of irony:  On the 9th of September at the blessing of the Cathedral it wasn't the high altar, but the dinner table that was consecrated.

The high altar served as a credence table during the ceremony.

The original project of the Auxiliary Bishop was sidelined

The 500,000 population city ofo Karaganda lays in the heart of Kazakhstan.

The new Cathedral was constructed from 2004 to 2012.  The well known Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider as the former Auxiliary of Karaganda took a leading  part in the construction.

The Auxiliary Bishop was in any case reassigned to the 749,000 population city of Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan in February 2011.

He is a lone crusader for reform of the secularized Catholic liturgy.

For that reason he had foreseen only the high altar in the original planning of the Church.  The removal of the Auxiliary Bishop probably altered the plans in the short term.

Great Astonishment

On the website '' the reader 'Peter' rang his hands with an explanatioon why in the new construction of the choir there were two altars one after the other.

Reader 'Marko Ivančičević sees "liturgical ignorance" at work.

One is simply oriented to a Church mutilated by the Pastoral Council, where the high altar has become enclosed by a liturgy block.

Link to original.. with more photos.

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