Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hans-Joachim Sander is Grateful for Criticism of Gas Chamber Theories

Austria: [] The discussion about the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X apparently  promotes the timeliness of the failed Pastoral Council.  Salzburg Dogmatic theologian Hans Joachim Sander said this on Thursday in Hamburg according to Austrian news agency 'kathpress'.  Sander referred to the  gas chamber discussion by Pius Bishop Richard Williamson as a "Gift from God, because with his anti-semitism, he brought the restoration of the Society to clear unity with the-Church to failure."


  1. Bishop Williamson is not anti-semitic. This is a label used to keep the truth from being known and is even admitted by the Jews against Zionism website:

    WAKE UP, Catholics, don't be deceived!

  2. dolorosa,

    Whether he is anti-Semitic or not, Bp. Williamson went on Swedish TV and spoke about his revisionist theories with one purpose in mind: to sabotage the rapprochement between the SSPX and the Vatican. He brought shame and scandal on the SSPX and the Holy Father in promoting his private preferences. Those are not the marks of a saintly man. They are the marks of something the opposite of sainthood.
