Friday, August 17, 2012

Decadent Guerilla Activists Are Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison

Edit: the people lining up in defense of them are the usual suspects, the pornography vendors, various defenders of filth, but also significant figures who have a stake, as Alexander Dugin says, in debasing and derailing the Byzantine restoration ongoing in Russia.


  1. You seem to be rather happy about the actions of Russia's ex-KGD dictator. Be careful what you wish for.

  2. He's doing a lot of things right.

  3. Friend Anon:

    You would do yourself a very great favor by reading the details of this situation. These hapless babes were committing acts of blasphemy in the Cathedral in Moscow, the details of which can be read on the net. No, the lamestream media will not cover those nice little details, preferring to dredge up the old "former KGB" line that is forever used when describing Putin.

    Considering the horrors being perpetrated by our own US government at home and abroad I think we might cast a more sympathetic eye on Putin.

  4. Don't say anything you'll live to regret.

    1. I fear the maniacal international Leftist elites and their determination to marginalize Faith, far more than Russian strongman Vlady Putin.

  5. I wish the state here would do something about these crappy occupiers, gays, nothingist activists that trash churches, steal Hosts, etc etc. That or parishioners need to man up and smack em out in the parking lot.

    The neo-cons will probably yell about this too; anything Russia gets them into Cold War mode.
