Monday, August 20, 2012

Clown Masses Are Outdated, You Say?

Edit: someone was just saying the other day that the clown Mass was an outdated thing which is no longer in use.  These things happen all the time in various locales.  This one is taking place in Germany and was reported by the German District's official website.

This story comes hard on the Sicilian Bishop who wears ugly Armani vestments, and the Dominican who wears a Steelers stole.  Heresy Hunter wonders if the company that made the ugly stole is an official church goods supplier?

We must also timidly ask if Herr Pfarrer Eulenspiegel will also have to sign a Doctrinal Preamble?

[piusinfo] The picture of the week shows the pastor of Hopfen am See (Ostallgäu)at the ambo dressed as a Merry Trickster (Eulenspiegel).

At evening Liturgy on Saturday, so reported the newspaper, and at the Mass on Sunday, the Catholic clergyman preaches in this clothing at the Parish Church of St. Peter and Paul.

One really doesn't have to be a traditionalist to recognize the the cheap attempt to curry favor which is taking place here in the house of the most Holy.

 In the commentary of Mr. Guratzsch on ( reports)it reads: "Where communities give up their buildings, the altar becomes a cooking table, the Liturgy is replaced by breakfast, the retreat to self by degrees is a cumulative process." It's exactly as one could say: where the pastor believes he can make the pulpit into a carnival stage then the holiness is lost. Because the people know exactly that at the actual carnival something else completely takes place, and that the pastor is only trying obsessively to cut the carpet, at the cost of his real mission.

 Poor Catholic Church.  How much longer?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is dressing "another Christ" as a clown - they are making fun of our Lord when they do this. They are making fun of HIM in public. Invalid mass. Invalid priests. Mocking every penny and prayer given to build these historic churches which they have desecrated. Pray for their souls - that they might not do these terrible attrocities to our Lord and his flock for long - and they not suffer the real punishments they are due. If they only realized what they are doing...
