Thursday, July 19, 2012

L'Osservatore Romano Calls "Blues Brothers" a "Catholic Classic"

Edit: in line with attempting or at least entertaining the false hope that Andy Warhol was a more than cultural Catholic, is the endeavor to dub films of dubious moral quality as being substantially Catholic.

The justifiably maligned Vatican newspaper has praised such films as Harry Potter.
Already a must-see for Chicagoans, “The Blues Brothers” now also has the endorsement of the Holy See. L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican’s newspaper, cites the bluesmen’s mission to save a church orphanage in labeling 1980 John Belushi-Dan Aykroyd film “a Catholic classic.”
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1 comment:

  1. Really, did you expect anything less from a Vatican at the end of its tether?

    That they would even give a moment's serious consideration to a piece of mindless rubbish as this says quite a lot about the mediocrity of those in high places in Rome.
