Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bishop Williamson: "Get Rid of Bishop Fellay"

Bishop Williamson spoke just briefly before the General Chapter in a video that appeared on youtube between the 10th and the 19th on youtube.


  1. I will try to remember the Bishop Williamson of times past but this one gets the can.

  2. More offensive rhetoric from Bishop Williamson, referring to the need to rid the Society of "Bishop Fellay and his gang" and bid "good riddance to bad rubbish".

  3. Bishop Fellay has confused the faithful and caused great concerns within the SSPX. So much so that 3 Bishops and a number of priests spoke out about it! I'm sure more would have as well if they weren't threatened they would be kicked out for doing so. Deo Gratias for Bishop Williamson for clearly warning us of the dangers and rightly following Archbishop Lefebvre who would never make any deal with Rome today after the Pope just had another Assisi (3). Why did the Pope appoint a heretic (Muller) to CDF? The crisis in Rome and diabolical disorientation still goes on today. The Novus Ordo is leading catholics into the one world church of antichrist.

  4. Even as one who does not agree with Bishop Williamson on everything, he is nonetheless right on this. Bishop Fellay has shown himself to be susceptible to Modernist propaganda and doublespeak. That suggests that Bishop Fellay is either very weak in the faith or has lost it entirely.

    Look at it this way, if an alcoholic can't resist getting drunk when one bottle of liquor is in front of him, is it good idea to put one in front of him and ask him to drink or is it evil? The same is true for Bishop Fellay, as having him negotiate and dialogue with Modernists and Neo-Modernists has shown to be a unnecessary proximate occasion of sin for him.

  5. Susceptible how? You people keep making these unqualified statements and you never demonstrate what you're talking about.

  6. Bishop Fellay should have put Williamson out of the society LONG , LONG Ago.....this man is full of himself. (pride goes before the fall)---a hippy in Colorado
