Monday, April 23, 2012

Tyrolean Priest Refuses Communion to Public Sinner

Edit:  you may have noticed the Doctor Peter's defense being used by the Monsignor who isn't defending his priest at all and is probably preparing disciplinary action against him.  It certainly looks like there's a cabal of clergy that is intent on destroying Catholic priests who do their jobs too well.  Anyway, wherever Old Liberal Bishops abound, it's open season on faithful priests.
© Christian Klingler, Wikimedia,CC

(, Imsterberg)  Pastor Stefan Müller refused Holy Communion to a public sinner who lives in a civil marriage.

This is at least what the anti-clerical newspaper 'Tiroler Tageszeitung' claims while foaming at the mouth.

The paper has never had a special concern for Holy Communion before.

Insterberg is a 753 population community about sixty kilometers from Innsbruck.

Those Who Are Able Are Shoved to the Side

The community is known for its above average Mass attendance.

Even young families participate in Divine Liturgies.

But this would be reason enough for the Innsbruck Diocesan nomenklatura  to have  put him on the chopping block.

It has already happened that Fr.Stefan Müller has been exiled to Imsterberg because of his Catholic convictions  and his pastoral success.

Anti-clerical News Coverage

The 'Tiroler Tageszeitung' has gotten involved to finish the clergyman.

For that reason the paper insulted the pastor because he celebrates the Old Mass.

Recently,  Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, who lives in Rome, celebrated the Pontifical High Mass in his parish.

The Background 

Last Sunday, the Pastor celebrated White Sunday.

Among the first communicants he found the illigitimate daughter of Karina Rudolf.

Miss Rudolf is living with a man she is not married to.

The Transparent Approach of the Priest

As a priest, Father Müller is obliged by Church law to defend Holy Communion from impenitent sinners.

This was reported by the "Tiroler Tageszeitung' that the Pastor had explained "that only those who are worthy should go to Communion".

Se knew herself why she may not go to Communion:  "I am only civilly married".

She had gambled away her own worthiness

Now Miss Rudolf sulks with self-pity.

She had her "human worth defamed" by the priest's treatment, she complained.

The "Tiroler Tageszeitung' spread rumours that the Pastor had even refused a second woman Communion.

Pastor Müller did not let himself be led by "Tiroler Tageszeitung'.

He did not give the Church-haters an interview.

The Diocese is on the side of the powerful

This decadent Diocese of Innsbruck stabbed the priest -- as is usual for Austria-- in the back.

The Bishop's Vicar,  Msgr Erich Sauerwein, tried to ignore the public sins of the impenitent concubine:

"The one giving Communion can not knonw the immediate condition in the conscience of the person concerned."

In any case, the Monsignor explained that "serious sin excludes you from the reception of Communion."

The Eucharist is "the highest good, which one should only receive with the deepest reverence".

The Self-Justification of the Impenitent Sinner

The mortal sinner has even said that he has no intention of fulfilling her Sunday duty in the future.

She is indifferent to being on the way to Hell.

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1 comment:

  1. A priest who, knowingly, gives communion to a person who is in a mortal sin state partakes in that person's sacrilege against the Eucharist and both will be held accountable of this sacrilege by God and the priest at a higher degree than the other.
