Friday, March 2, 2012

Father Jolie says Dissidents are not Catholic

Edit:  He heads the German "Netork of Catholic Priests" and promotes the old Mass while  residing in one of the worst Diocese in Germany.

It is absurd to describe normal priests as conservative. It's like insulting someone who stops for a red light while others keep going, with the term right-wing radical.

 ( The German dialog process is the attempt to cover the substantial fracture in the German Church with the motto "we can discuss anything".

Pastor Hendrick Jolie of Mühltal in the Diocese of Mainz said on the 22nd of February for the Old Liberal Cologne 'Domradio'. [Cathedral Radio]

Fear of the word "Schism"

Things were discussed that weren't just describing physical location.

The clergyman stressed that no one wants to knowingly promote a schism.

But still there is increasing polarization.

Wheelchair Reformers Roll Offside

The one man show, 'Pastors' Initiative' of Fr. Helmut Schüller, which promotes women's ordination in Austria, isn't in the the Church any longer, according to Father Jolie.

In this case it is not the dialog about the means, rather a theological clarification, about what is Catholic.

Fr. Schüller is right to say, however, per Fr. Jolie, that "Communion for all" has long been a practice in most communities.

At the same time Fr. Jolie remarked: whoever stands against such grievances and defends the Faith, will find himself in serious difficulties.  Fr. Jolie didn't say from whom -- but it's the Old Liberal Bishops.

The request of "Network of Catholic Priests' to the Bishops, is for them to step forth as defenders of the Faith, is described by Father Jolie as a "call for help".

That's going to fall to the helpless.  

The Society of Saint Pius X is certainly not Heretical

As to the question if there is the possibility of splits like the Priestly Society of St. Piux X, Father Jolie said:

"Because  you can only say where the extremes meet"

There is danger "on both extreme sides",  which can lead at least de facto from the authority of the Pope.

Whoever leaves the ground of common Faith, creates their own church.

The Moderates are in the Middle? 

Fr. Jolie calls for the Priest Network, to stand "in the middle".

His reasoning:  "We say, we're not doing anything extreme, nothing strident, but we want to be Catholic priests."

It is absurd to be regarded as conservative or rightist.

That is, like "when you stop for a red light, and everyone else goes thorugh, and you are regarded as a  >>radical rightist<<."

As necessary reform measures Fr. Jolie named the promotion of the Old Mass, or a the interpretation of the Pastoral Council in the light of Tradition.

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