Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bishop Schneider Pontifical High Mass in the Immemorial Rite

Edit: Like heaven on earth.  No abuses, no irreverence.  This is quite literally, the school of virtue.  You could never mistake this for a Calvinist Liturgy.


  1. wonderful!! Do you know the date of the video?

  2. I don't know I think Mass of Ages would indeed appeal to quite a few Calvinists.

  3. Kneeling, I am inquiring and will let you know time and date.

    Giovanni, I'm more worried about Catholic Prelates and educators who wish to impose Calvinist (and therefore Revolutionary) norms on Catholics. Communion in the Hand, as Bishop Athanasius Schneider succinctly and correctly states is a Calvinist innovation and never before done in the Catholic Church, never, thus it fails at one of the main criteria which defines something as Catholic or not, that it is something done everywhere, always and by everyone.
