Sunday, February 12, 2012

67 Percent of Austrians Say No to Buddhist Temple

On Sunday a vote took place over a contentious Buddhist structure in the community of lower Austria. The vote was a debacle for the supporters of the Buddhist proposal.

St. Pölten ( The inhabitants of the lower Austrian community Gföhl have voted on a contentious Buddhist structure in the woodland community on Sunday in a poll with 67 of the votes cast decisively against. Because of voter's participation of over 50 percent, the outcome is binding. The structure was previously supported by ÖVP mayor Karl Simlinger. Many Catholics and also the St. Pöltner Bishop Klaus Küng viewed the proposal critically. In a "Kurier" interview a few weeks ago, +Küng criticized that the public were informed that the Stupa would be a world peace monument, while its subsequent information, however, pointed to it being a religious center for Korean monks. Link to

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