Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Spanish Government Plans Partial Rollback of Liberal Abortion Laws

The conservative Government wants to take the liberalization by the Zapateros partly again out of power.

[Globality] Spain's conservative government plans to tighten the country's abortion law to oblige girls aged 16 and 17 seeking the procedure to have their parents' consent, its justice minister said Wednesday.

Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon said he was drawing up a bill to change the former Socialist government's 2010 law which fully legalised abortion up to 14 weeks of pregnancy.

"Some of the principles announced by our party such as the requirement of parental consent in the case of minors (seeking abortion) will be included in this bill," Gallardon told a parliamentary commission.

Link to Globality to read further...

1 comment:

  1. You'd be glad to know that he is the same guy who, as Mayor of Madrid, legalised the prescription of abortion pills to minors without parental consent. They are not going to change a single bit of abortion laws in Spain.
