Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Political Murder Throws Light on the Passion of Our Lord

Edit: It was on this day that the great King, Louis XVI, was murdered by a mob of Jacobins whose cries for blood echo through the centuries. The King of France had much in common with the King of the Universe. Both were unjustly tried and executed. King Louis XVI was innocent of the charges put to him.

Some may want to dwell today on the indisputable greatness of this man who was unjustly struck down by vicious men. Today, it's a time to meditate not so much on the greatness of worldly deeds, but on the smallness of a creator who handed Himself in all His greatness to be scourged for the sins of His creatures. It is this that the noble death of this undeniably great man, puts in mind. His death at the hands of men who hated Our Mother the Church, and used one of its greatest sons as a focus for their venomous hatred.

It wasn't so much his worldly accomplishments which made him a great King. What made him a great King was that he was permitted by God Almighty to participate in the cross of His son and become a shining beacon of Catholic hope shining out on two centuries or the excesses of Revolutionaries and the slaughter of millions of Catholics for their Faith.

It is in this day and age that the inheritors of the Republican tradition continue on with the same spirit of malice, held in the hearts and minds of the same multitude that ordered Christ to be nailed to a cross.

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