Saturday, October 29, 2011

Report: Catholic bishop in Nigeria approved the request of one of his priests to join the SSPX

Edit: the story is from the newsletter of the SSPX, Catholic Tradition, in Africa.

Before the arrival of Fr. Duverger we had already visited the faithful in Asaba (109 Kilometers from Enugu). On Wednesday, 18th May we were in Owerri where Fr. Duverger offered mass in the home of Mr. Mike Iheboro. About 35 faithful were present. Owerri is 174 Kilometers from Enugu. On Thursday, we were in the parish of Fr. Samuel Abah, a priest of Otukpo diocese who had decided to join us in the battle for Catholic tradition. This was 150 Kilometers from Enugu. The district superior offered mass for over 200 faithful in Nwedoga, an outstation of Fr. Samuel Abah's parish. On the evening of Friday, 20th we met with his bishop who gave his verbal approval for Fr. Abah to join the Society. This was in addition to welcoming us warmly and having us lodged in his cathedral. Sunday the 22nd was the turn of the Enugu faithful to have the district superior offer a sung mass at 10.00am followed by a conference, and a question and answer session.

H/t: Ignis Ardens.

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful news. A Catholic Bishop who recognizes true Catholics in the SSPX and does not bow to the "idol" of Vatican II.

    Vatican II wrecked the Catholic Church. What we need is a Pope, and bishops who will finally admit it.
