Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Immemorial Mass of All Ages is Only for the Brave

Editor: Bishops will try to administratively and in any other way they can, ruin Seminarians and Priests who want to learn the Immemorial. Yet a courageous Scottish priest perseveres and celebrates the Immemorial at the Chair of Peter with the mighty Cardinal Brandmueller. It's the first time in forty years.
Plus this from te igitur blog:

[Catholic News Agency] Fr. Dunn said the advisory note seemed to interpret the Pope’s instructions in a way that effectively turned many of them on their head. In fact, the renowned blogger Fr. John Zuhlsdorf described the advisory document’s interpretation of “Summorum Pontificum” as the “coldest, most hostile I have read so far.”

“There were three Glasgow priests signed up to the course in Oxford. After that note came round, two dropped out. They felt really intimidated. My own response, though, was to stick it out and attend.

“Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster said the first Mass. When I told him I was from the Archdiocese of Glasgow he said, ‘My goodness, you’re a brave boy’.”

Universae Ecclesiae: One priest's story :: Catholic News Agency (CNA) cited CNA and added to the story:

Seeking Consolation and Support in Rome

He visited the Conference on the Old Mass, which the Italian Organiation 'Youth and Tradition' had organized from Friday till today.

Today the Cardinal Emeritus Walter Brandmueller celebrated the Old Rite in the Pontifical Office on the Altar of the Cathedral of St. Peter -- the first of its kind in over forty years.

Father Dunn will assist at this Mass.

The new Instruction has Fr. Dunn in a hopeful mood.

He prays that Pope Benedict XVI and his advisers at the presentation of the Instruction to the Bishops of the whole world, will accept no deviations accepted.

In the meatime, there are two priests celebrating the Old Mass in the Archdiocese of Glasgow.

Actually, five other priests are learning it now. original...

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