Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chief Director of L'Osseratore Romano: healed by the Intercession of Pius X

"For that reason I foster a profound veneration for him" -- Chief Director Giovanni Maria Vian was close to death at the age of two from diphtheria.

Vatikan (kath.net/CNS) The Chief Director of L'Osservatore Romano, Giovanni Maria Viari, recalled how he called upon the intercession of Pope Pius X when he suffered a life threatening diphtheria infection. "For that reason I foster a deep veneration for him", said Vian in an interview with "Il Consultante Re".

In 1954 Vian lay sick with a diagnosis as a twelve year old boy with life threatening diphtheria. On the eve of the canonization of Pius X by Pius XII, a Spanish priest, who was a friend of Vian's father suggested that the family might ask for the veneration of Pope Pius X. The family already felt closely connected to the Treviso born Pope in the same neighborhood that the family came from. After the priest celebrated Mass on the tomb of St. Pius X, "I was healed", said Vian.

Link to original kath.net...


  1. And so he repays the Saint by directing a Modernist, self-proclaimed newspaper of the Vatican? Nice.

  2. Maybe the Franciscan friar who sought a Rescript of Ligitimation #1139, as a putative father, should have directed his prayers to Pius X instead of being a victim of man's manipulation.
    Even to his last breath.
