Monday, March 7, 2011

Schönborn: Liturgical Reform is the Reinforcement of Old Traditions

Editor: The evils of the gathering space.

The Viennese Archbishop at the Altar Blessing in the Viennese Parish Church of Schottenfeld: The people's altar of the Liturgical Reform has now pushed the altar space in the foreground and posited another symbolism.

Vienna ( The liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council is not the weakening of traditions, rather their reinforcement. Cardinal Christoph Schönborn preached this on Sunday at the consecration of an altar in the Viennese parish church in Schottenfeld.

Before the reform the priest prayed at the high altar facing the same direction as the faithful to the east -- toward the rising of the sun which Christ symbolizes. The people's altar of the Liturgical Reform has now pushed the altar space in the foreground and posited another symbolism, said Schönborn: "We gather around the altar, around Christ." With this reform it is brought more clearly to expression, "that Christ is our center". That is the reason that the consecration of an altar has a special meaning, explained the Cardinal.

Schönborn preached among other things about the abuse cases in the Church and acknowledged the misdeeds "even of us priests". Above all the Church is concerned in the fugure to gather itself around Christ and focus its life on Him. Then one doesn't have to be afraid of the future, said the Cardinal.

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  1. His Eminence certainly does enjoy being the antipope of the progressives. This is a direct attack on the Holy Father and Summorum Pontificum.


  2. His Eminence should just go quietly away to a monastery somewhere and leave us alone.

    But since cowardice reigns supreme in Rome, that is unlikely to happen.
