Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mother Attacks Religious Sister

Austria [] Two young children fought briefly over a vocabulary book in a kindergarten run by old Liberal Franciscan sisters in Vöcklabruck in the Diocese of Linz.  The stronger five year old brutally struck the weaker.  For that he earned a well deserved canning from the kindergarten instrutor, a Nun.  The next day the mother of the beater came and struck the Nun brutally in the brutally in the face.  The old Liberal Order assigned the Sister with an occupational ban.  Sister will not work any longer in the occupational area of pedagogy  -- assured the Order.

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  1. Is assaulting a person consecrated to God still an excommunicable offense?

  2. Is assaulting a person consecrated to God still an excommunicable offense?

    It never was. Striking someone in the clerical state used to be. Now that has been restricted only to the Roman Pontiff.

  3. When my children got into trouble at school and were punished by the Sisters(Dominicans) they knew they could expect more punishment at home. Sister was ALWAYS right and when my children whined that "it isn't fair" my response was "who ever told you life was fair". They are all lovely, responsible citizens and adults today (all seven of them). And they have presented me with 24 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
    A happy mother
