Saturday, December 4, 2010

Copts United - Muslims Torch Christian Homes in Egypt

(AINA) -- Coptic Christians in the Upper Egyptian village of el-Nowahed, Abu-Tesht, in Qena Province, were victims of an attack by a Muslim mob of nearly one thousand on Monday, November 15. The attack started at nearly 10:00 pm on Monday evening and lasted until the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The large mob of Muslims from el-Nowahed and the surrounding villages besieged and waged an attack against Coptic homes amidst cries of "Allah is the greatest" and other Islamic Jihadist slogans. They threw fireballs, gasoline and stones at Coptic homes and detonated Butane Gas cylinders. Christian-owned homes were looted and shops were broken into, plundered and burned. There were no reported casualties.

The attack resulted in the burning of twenty-two Coptic-owned homes (video), two commercial shops, a bakery, as well as livestock. The sound of automatic weapons fired in the air was heard, to terrorize and intimidate the Copts, according to Ra'fat Samir, who heads the Luxor branch of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights.

Copts United - Muslims Torch Christian Homes in Egypt


  1. Aren't we all glad that the Muslims, who were relatively harmless from the time of the Battle of Lepanto until 1948, have been stirred into an anti-Christian frenzy by Washington and Tel Aviv?

    Washington bombs and kills away with grand insousiance, while Tel Aviv smiles catlike in their little dark corner off to the side. It must be lovely to have someone else do your dirty work for you; of course that lesson was learned well back when Pontius Pilate was still around.

  2. I still don't believe that Israel is THE reason why Muslims wish to destroy Chrsitians and wreak havoc in the West. It goes deeper than a tiny piece of land in the Middle East. Just read the Koran where Muslims are asked to not be friends with Christians and to humiliate and dominate unbelievers "until they pay tribute." Israel might be part of it but with Muslims bombing, burning, beheading and maiming almost everywhere in the world they have a large presence it seems to me like Israel isn't the only reason, it's religious. Violence and a sort of crusader ethos is written into the very fabric of Islam despite the sugar coated politically correct version of it we get from the media and the liberals. Do Copts in Egypt or Catholics in Indonesia have ANYTHING to do with Washington or Tel Aviv? All of us Christians and Westerners need to WAKE UP, Islam has never come in peace and never will.
