Friday, November 26, 2010

The Pope Talks About Duty and the Good, Everyone Else is Fixated Upon Condoms

 Men are not allowed to think freely about chemistry and biology: why should they be allowed to think freely about political philosophy?
Auguste Comte

Augustus Comte Founder of Sociology
The past few days have reinforced our notion, oft repeated, that the world envisioned by Augustus Comte has come to pass, and that information has been compressed and distorted by the various media, which transmit the findings of the new priest-class to the masses, and they respond predictably.  Some people have even implicated the Holy Father in this game, much as they did at Regensburg when he was accused of causing world-wide riots after he quoted a Byzantine Emperor's statement about Islam being a religion of "violence".

One of the German blogs made the following citation, and it verily touches on the media contortion of past few days, and as with his Regesburg speech, it was twisted, misinterpreted and projected upon by various malcontents, ne'er-do-wells and perhaps a few decent people who were struck by the way the media handled this.  Many people, too many people, have more faith in the infallibility of the media than they do the Pope, but I should hope that we here at least would give His Holiness more than the benefit of the doubt:

Die bloße Fixierung auf das Kondom bedeutet eine Banalisierung der Sexualität [...]
Papst Benedikt XVI. in “Licht der Welt”

It translates into: The very fixation on the condom means a banalization of sexuality [...]
Pope Benedict XVI in "Licht der Welt"

Media stolen from, here.


  1. On that site where you stole the Comte photo, blogger, a Norwegian in the Netherlands, refers to the "language of angels" as one of the search queries that drove people there.

    I was struck by the fact that in all my born days I have never heard anybody wonder about or address the question as to what language we will use to talk in heaven (if we get there), purgatory (possibly) or hell (probably we won't be talking there).

  2. Ray -
    If Benedict XVI has anything to say about it, bet on Latin. Having demonstrating once again his evident inability in his native tongue to get past vague, ambiguous, and obscure, he would surely opt for a more noble language than the barbarian argots of recent millenia.
