Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New USCCB President is Traditional Friendly but Cheesy

Beating out the Bernardin  protege, Archbishop Dolan becomes the next president of the USCCB.  Some in the USCCB are complaining about Catholic Blogs attacking +Kicanas; oh well. [Oh well, the above photo is the wrong Bishop Dolan, but that Bishop is setting a much better example, at least with his vestments, than has Archbishop Dolan.  In any event, Archbishop Dolan is much friendlier to traditional aspirations as depicted in the above photo than the Bernardin protege ever would be.]

We heard from Ray Marshal that Bill Donahue is tickled pink and gives his hearty endorsement, but we still can't forget that he cheered on Jesuitical homosexual promoters, earlier this year.  Baroque chasubles are fashionable this year, but cheese head gear was fashionable at another time

Photo: from, here with biography, what a Bishop should be wearing.


  1. That top photo is Daniel Dolan who was part of the infamous 1983 "The Nine" who were tossed from the SSPX by Archbishop Lefebvre. The bottom photo is Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York.

  2. Never heard of Bp. Dolan No. 1 Why would he have been "tossed?" Too conservative, or not enough?

    I would imagine that Bp, Dolan No. 2 will rue that photo in Milwaukee to his dying day.

    It has been a good year for elections.

  3. My apologies for being somewhat negative again but having had Timothy Dolan as my Bishop I would not get too terribly excited over his new honor at USCCB. Yes, he is slightly friendlier to tradition, and as a man was a better person than his execrable predecessor Rembert Weakland, but while in Milwaukee he was basically a politician, saying things people wanted to hear not what they needed to hear. I would never accuse Bishop Dolan of being overzealous in teaching the truths of the Faith.

    While in Milwaukee he allowed Mr Weakland to continue masquerading as a Catholic Bishop by giving him Bishop's duties (Confirmatons, etc.) when he was too busy. He kept in place most of the lavender mafia types entrenched in the Chancery. No major reforms of any kind were undertaken by him and everything was pretty much kept status quo. He even had the bad taste to invite Weakland to his installation ceremony (so did the new Bishop, Listecki, as well) even after the Weakland perversion scandal broke. Protocol or not, that sent a very disturbing message to demoralized Milwaukee Catholics.

    He did the usual "ghettoizing" of the ancient Mass by allowing it in one parish only - not, of course, that he had any right whatsoever under Summorum Pontificum to do so. And the traditional order he gave the Church to, the Institute of Christ the King, while a generally good group of priests, is seemingly more willing to compromise than uphold doctrine too strongly. Many Bishops prefer this order because they are less "troublesome" to the local Ordinary (funnily enough, they are more than a little "troublesome" to their parishoners due to a somewhat unpleasant arrogance which they possess).

    The "cheese head" thing is very typical of Dolan and I don't for a moment think he is in the slightest bit embarrassed by it. He'd do it again in a heartbeat if he finds himself in Milwaukee in the future.

    His empty platitudes (so common among all Bishops, including the Bishop of Rome I'm sorry to say), his obsequiosness towards Jewish interests which he has put above Catholic interests.....I don't know, but I wouldn't get overly optimistic about him.

    People can change, of course. We can but hope.
