Thursday, November 4, 2010

False Catholic Congressman Defeated

Despite being eager to help the Democrats on homosexual issues like Don't Ask... .., and Hate Crimes Legislation, Congressman Cao has been also a supporter of Healthcare Reform. How a Catholic could lament this purported Pro-life, Catholic Democrat as a legitimate candidate for Catholic voters, or lament his defeat is beyond us. Did we mention that Congressman Cao was another Jesuit star?

However much we are fond of Vietnamese Catholics and their fervor, good riddance to Congressman Ahn.

It seems to us that the late President Ngo Diem would be disappointed in his fellow Catholic for supporting the kinds of men and policies that are oppressing Vietnamese today.

Pro Ecclesia * Pro Familia * Pro Civitate: Why Is the Left Hostile to Vietnamese-Americans?


  1. Cao didn't stand a chance. He was only elected because most of the locals were displaced because of the hurricaine and because Congressman "Ice Cold Cash", Jefferson was in jail. As soon as things got back to normal I figured he'd be bounced out.

  2. That's very insightful, thank you.
