Monday, November 22, 2010

Cardinal Burke Censures False Ecumenism at Consistory

At the Consistory in Rome behind closed doors, the subject of the implementation of Anglicanorum Coetibus was discussed by the assembled Bishops and new Cardinals.  It deals in part with the return of Anglicans to Communion with the Holy See.  We'd reported earlier that Cardinal Burke would criticize Cardinal Kasper within the context of the meeting.  Well, our sources now tell us that it certainly did not happen, for although Cardinal Kasper was not mentioned specifically, Cardinal Burke still condemned  those who refer to the "ecumenism of return" with contempt; so they were criticized all the same and in their number would certainly be included Cardinal Kasper, whose career was built upon false ecumenism and in preventing moments like the return of the Anglicans from taking place.

 Unfortunately, as with the implementation of Sumorum Pontificum, the Motu Proprio freeing up the Immemorial Latin Mass to be said without the interference of liberal Bishops, there are old Liberal Bishops who are blocking the way.  Most notable among them is Archbishop Thomas Collins of Toronto, who wants to appoint an existing Roman Bishop to head the Ordinariate, rather than have him be elected from a bi-cameral lay-clerical arrangement.  There is also Bishop Peter Elliot of Australia, who wishes to implement changes which basically amount to an oversimplification of the Anglican Liturgy which is, in the words of Maximilian Hanlon, going to make it like a Novus Ordo Liturgy with some Anglican prayers tacked on.  We're a little puzzled by this characterization because Bishop Elliot actually seems pretty conservative as illustrated by his article in New Liturgical Movement, as he writes here:

Next year a new ICEL translation of the Mass of the Roman Rite will come into effect. More gracious poetic English will mean that the beauty of the language used in the Ordinariates will not clash with the banal and inaccurate old ICEL “translation” we currently endure.

Ultimately, what these liberal Bishops, like those who Damian Thompson calls the "Magic Circle" in England,  intend upon doing is to delay and create impediments to the entrance of Anglicans into full communion with Rome. For like Cardinal Kasper, they would prefer to "dialogue" with Archbishop Rowan and his female clergy, and their assortment of liturgical chipmunks.[Video forthcoming]

It would be a good time to pray, do penance, fast and keep vigil for the good intentions of the Bishops, laity and priests of the incoming members of the Anglican Communion.

Photo from: St. Louis Catholic, here.

The Pope here talks about how pressing is the need to resuscitate Ecumenism. 

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