Friday, September 24, 2010

Sex Abuse Lawsuit Moving to Subpoena Pope

Jeff Anderson keeps pushing this case, which he released initially in the New York Times. In the course of promoting his interests, and those of the people behind him at the ACLU, he is attempting to summon Pope Benedict to the stand where he wants to "cross examine" the Pontiff. Jeff Anderson isn't interested in the welfare of the victims, he's interested in the same agenda that two Belgian Bishops, a Viennese Cardinal, a smutty Romance Novelist are. However, a similar case in Kentucky, naming the Pope has recently been dropped. Actually, in fairness to Father Greeley, the author of pornographic novels he is, he says celibacy isn't the cause of the problem, only the "clerical secrecy" and so forth, as he parrots the same line used by Jeff Anderson and his professional help, Richard Sipe, who's spent years investigating the problem, but is driven by the same agenda that motivates Jeff Anderson, an ACLU lackey.

We've said it so many times, he's not so much interested in the welfare of his victims, as the Communists alleged to be concerned about the Scottsboro Boys, whom they used to create an emotional outpouring and then discarded after their political goals were met. This is one part of a continuous attack to destroy the credibility of Religion in general, and Catholicism in particular. What's even more interesting is that, based on the various statements from others within the Church, he has help. Liberal prelates and priests provide him and his masters with the fodder to litigate, and you have another emotional outpouring and an outcry for justice. This was done before in Nazi Germany when Germany's propaganda minister launched a campaign against the Catholic Church in the early 30s using precisely the same techniques being used by Jeff Anderson and his masters.

It's not a stretch to say it can't happen here. There are people who have an interest in undermining America's very foundations, its laws, its infrastructure, education system and culture. We're living in the days of tremendous debasement when an irreligious ex-Lutheran can do the bidding of irreligious Pinch Sulzberger at the New York Times to promote slanderous stories bent on destroying part of the fabric of American Society.

Just remember, Jeff Anderson has many friends within the Church, like him and him who aid his attempt to promote discredit and change the Catholic Church.

Sex abuse lawsuit involving Wisconsin priest names Pope Benedict as defendant :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)


  1. Satan and his cohorts are desperate .Their time is closing fast..

  2. As Archdioceses are ordered by courts to release documents, new statistics are coming out. Now the number of pedophile priests who acted out in recent history is 10,969, as much as 20 times higher than in the general population. Believe me, the Catholic Church is doing all it can to keep the truth about these crimes from reaching the public, especially the parishioners. As one of the victims I've covered this crime spree at City of Angels Blog: for four years, and for you to say that advocating for truth about these crimes is "a continuous attack to destroy the credibility of Religion in general" is saying your religion has something to do with pedophilia. Most of us are shocked that this much criminal activity against children was allowed to happen, and the real perpetrators, the bishops who kept these men in the priesthood, are still in office, in positions of esteem. What does that have to do with religion? It's felony sex crimes against children.
