Saturday, September 4, 2010

International Congress And Exposition of the Holy Shroud, Lima, Peru

(Lima, Peru) In the Capital of Lima there will be a Sindonological Congress on the Shroud of Turin, one of the most important relics in Christendom. The scholar participants are to present a series of new studies, with which they will prove the authenticity of the Relic as the burial shroud of Christ. The Congress was organized by the Study Center for Sindonology (Study of the Shroud of Turin) at Turin.

Bruno Barberis, director of the Turin Study Center explained, that researchers from the entire world are finding more and more evidence to support the authenticity of the burial cloth. There is probably about 1:1000, that it is a human body wounded inside the burial cloth, and that we're not dealing with Jesus of Nazareth.

The Congress worked in collaboration with the Centre of Catholic Studies in Lima and the Acción Universitaria of the University of Lima.

The Itlian researchers explained, that the Radiocarbon C-14 test of 1988 through was from damage, which the burial cloth had suffered in fire in 1534, which falsified and led to a "rejuvenation". The finding gave a period of existence between 1260 and 1390. With that, the Shroud was considered to be a medieval forgery. Up to this point, a forgery by a human agency has not been demonstrated.

"The fabric samples for the procedure of C14-analysis were culled both from dust and pollen infected places. In addition this sector is not representative of the entire shroud. There must be more tests of pieces taken from other sectors," said Barberis.

The Burial Shroud shows the full standing impression of a body about 1,75 Meters tall, bearded man with clear traces of torture. the wounding on his head, on hands and feet as well as the puncture wound near the heart describe the account of the Gospel about the Crucifixion and Death of Jesus of Nazareth. Meanwhile it remains generally recognized, that the illustration of the body can not have been painted by a human hand. The evidence of the man would point to the use of negative photography which hadn't been discovered till 1898.

The discovery of coin stampings from the 1st Century, aD antique coins put over the eyes of the man according to burial customs leaves scientists convinced, that the burial shroud is probably older, than what was indicated by the radio carbon analysis. The impressions formed of the coins on the impression have been identified as coins, which were minted under Pontius Pilate, at the time of the Roman Occupation of Judea and would fall at the time of Jesus' execution.

Israeli Researchers have discovered in 1999 by experiments on the burial shroud, 58 types of pollen and have also identified around 30 plant impressions, that are exclusively found in the Near East.

At the University of Lima a copy of the Shroud in its original size can be observed, which as part of an exhibit over the Shroud of Turin and the actual state of research. The original will be held in its original shrine in the Cathedral of Turin.

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