Sunday, September 19, 2010

Foreign, verminous, dirty, poor and ignorant

Editor: A Communist's take on the press coverage of the Pope's visit. They must be getting their marching orders from the Central Committee to defend the Catholic Church, because there are quite a few Communist publication airing sympathetic pieces about the Catholic Church.

by Liam Mac Uaid,

Saturday’s issue of The Guardian wasn’t exactly a souvenir edition for the pope’s imminent visit to England but it had several articles on Catholicism.

Under the headline “The Vatican is a nest of devils” Sinead O’Connor was given two pages to share her views on religion. Page 17 had a report on child abuse by clergy in Belgium. Ben Goldacre devoted his Bad Science feature to the recent discovery that the official Catholic position is against the use of condoms and page 11 was given over to a feature headlined “Atheists, activists and apathy await pope”.

There has been a gap in the market for a paper with scarifying stories about the Whore of Babylon since Ian Paisley was obliged to close down the Protestant Telegraph in 1982. It looks like “the world’s leading liberal voice” has decided to fill it. Channel 4 has spotted the niche too. Peter Tatchell is presenting a documentary on the general malignity of Catholicism and by the purest chance there’s a feature on the Belgian abuse cases on its news show tomorrow night.

Here’s my theory.

Read further...


  1. The piece is not a defence of the Catholic Church. Like most other Marxists I'm an atheist.

    It was written on the spur of the moment and is intended as a polemic against the liberal intelligentsia's refusal to understand why religion is still important for so many people today. In our vernacular it is an organisational expression of community and solidarity which gives its adherents a way of interpreting the world.

    Sorry to disappoint but there is a current in Marxism which puts a premium on independent, undogmatic thinking. Check out the stuff on Islamophobia I've posted.

    Some of your readers may find the review of John McQuaid's biography interesting too.

  2. Yeah, Catholics never think for themselves, they're just all dumb robots. I hear that garbage so much from Marxists and atheists that I can't help but think they aren't as independent and thoughtful as they claim they are...

  3. Marxist are not at all interested in independent thinking, unless it is expedient to party goals. In fact, if you cross the party and challenge their orthodoxy, they'll, as Nikita once said, "bury you".

    Basically, Communists do whatever the Party tells them to and if you don't obey, you're a non-person, or dead.

    So, making a deal with the Marxists is a lot like making a deal with the devil.
