Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Connection Between Liturgical Abuse and Child Abuse

The Clerical Sex Abuse Capital of the World is Also the Liturgical Abuse Capital. It all started here with one of the greatest liturgical abusers, Father Virgil Michel and his notorious companion, the Faustian, crypto-Marxist Eric Gill.

In discussing the connection between clerical sexual and liturgical abuse, a connection we've been making for a while, it would be encouraging if these people would also begin making the fateful connection of sexual abuse with all forms of pedagogical abuse, including Modernism. In his blog yesterday, Father Z cites MommyWrites, discussing a causal connection between Child Abuse and bad liturgy. Bad liturgy is a component of modernism and to confirm this in a very direct way is to talk about the home of bad Liturgy, which is Collegeville, Minnesota and its flagship quarterly, Worship which was originally Orate Fratres. The Magazine involved a collaboration between the Liturgical Revolutionary (and abuser), Father Virgil Michel and the notorious Eric Gill.

Eric Gill envisioned bad liturgy before most people had experienced it. People in Minnesota were being experimented upon in the 1930s as this blog proves, notably under the tutelage and pernicious influence of Collegeville.

Some who are familiar with Gill's work, will notice early wreckovations, which were fairly common already in the 1930s when Gill was at large:

Of course, you might say, what has interior design got to do with Liturgy? Quite a lot actually, these designs are meant to, if they don't in fact accomplish this, accompany what was in the Pre-conciliar time, the liturgical abuse of saying Mass facing the people.

It's important also to mention the connection, because while Virgil Michel was editor of Orate Fratres with Eric Gill's contribution of the cover art for the first edition; they are both Liturgists and designers in their own right and had passed their legacy to men like Frank Kazmarcek OSB(who is not an abuser of children, but of buildings), Jerome Tupa OSB (who stands accused as a homosexual pederast and is a "painter") and Dunstan Moorse OSB, who is the current Editor of what is now "Worship" produced at Collegeville.

Morse is himself a liturgical abuser and an abuser of children. He was credibly accused by a large number of boys and yet retained his position at St. John's Abbey and despite being on "restriction" travels quite freely throughout the world.

the more recent Editor, Father Dunstan Morse is a credibly accused child abuser.

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