Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Farmer's Mass in New Prague, Minnesota

Editor: Farmers have been going to Mass on Sunday for centuries, without the benefit of mechanization, modern communications or modernism. Farmers, at least Catholic ones, also abstained from work on Sundays. It was a time to meet with family, neighbors and go to Mass and Vespers toward the end of the day.

Farmers and others in the New Prague area whose schedules make it difficult for them to attend Sunday morning Masses now have a new option: an 8:15 Saturday night Mass at St. Scholastica in Heidelberg.

For several years, Father Elgar Bockenfeld celebrated a late Saturday Mass at St. John the Evangelist in Union Hill. But after Father Bockenfeld’s death in January, it was discontinued.

About 250 people regularly attended the Mass. Some came from as far as 30 miles away.

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1 comment:

  1. Seems to be another example of the abuse of Masses of anticipation. Sure it can be inconvenient to have to milk the cows before Sunday morning Mass, but it's been done for centuries. I'm becoming more and more convinced that this was a bad innovation by Pius XII.
