Monday, July 5, 2010

Vatican nuncio calls for women's economic empowerment | News | Total Catholic

We've had almost fifty years of women running "ecclesial structures" and churches as parish administrators and various directors of this and that to include the office of de facto acolyte and even Bishop, and isn't it high time that we admit that it hasn't worked so well. There is a correlation between the administrative influence of women and the irrelevance of the Church structures at hand. The more women's suffrage there is, the more dead an ecclesial structure (protestant, Jewish, Muslim, whatever) will be. It is incidentally a byproduct of liberalism to include women in the power structure in the sense that they want it to happen, as a systematic and administratively pre-ordained thing.

Women have always shone while they've acted outside of the normal channels of power, starting from the time when Our Lady interceded at the Wedding of Cana.

In any event, this is the kind of Marxist-Heglian class warfare mongering you'd expect from the higher Anglican clergy, not a Prince of the Roman Catholic Church. Isn't it time that prelates stopped politicizing with social justice, and the mana of the desert and started preaching penance and the salvation of souls?


Vatican nuncio calls for women's economic empowerment | News | Total Catholic

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