Friday, July 9, 2010

Investigators suspect more victims of the Bishop of Bruges

Investigators suspect more victims of the Bishop of Bruges


  1. It's interesting that the retired, very liberal, Cdl. Daneels is deeply involved in this Belgian Scandal.

    Belgium is going through one of its period "civil skirmishes" based on their language differences. I wonder if the Church there is split that way also?

  2. Archbishop Leonard is fairly conservative and promises to bring in a lot of vocations. In a way I suppose you could think of him as a Msgr Schuler with an Archdicoese and Country behind him.

    Cardinal Daneels has done inestimable damage to the Catholic Church of Belgium and it is to be hoped that this discredits the liberal regime in Belgium, utterly.

    We've said it before and we'll say it again. This scandal should be put at the doorstep of liberal educators who sought to rationalize religion and eliminate traditional morality. This is the harvest we're reaping and it has done great damage to the Church.

    I'd hope that Church figures would get better at using this scandal to crush the liberal infiltrators and put traditional priests and bishops in their place, especially as regards Catholic education!

    Let's bring back philosphia perennis and the metaphysics.
