Friday, July 30, 2010

Bishop Mixa Pipes Up

German Media Mafia: "Sadly, the media only partly reports the truth, when they are not reporting in a contrived manner".

[] On July 27th the user 'Miriam' published a letter to the dismissed Bishop of Aubsburg, Msgr Walter Mixa on the Social Networking Site, ''

'Miriam' reports: "A little while ago there was an address where someone could write Bishop Mixa to congratulate him on his fortieth jubilee as a priest."

That's what she did: "Today I found in my mailbox a letter from Bishop Mixa."

Augsburg, in July 2010

Bishop em. Dr. Walter Mixa

Dear Frau Frie...

may God heartily reward you for your congratulation on my fortieth priestly jubilee and especially for the prayers in what has been for me a very trying time!

The past weeks were personally very difficult to endure; this was only possible through the prayers of many true believers and through the tangible help of God.

The media have only report part of the truth, when they haven't just reported in a contrived manner and thereby not only knowingly damage my own person, but also the reputation of the Church.

We are here in a time, in which we must be afraid as Christians, must show and live in faith in the help of God in the truth of the love of God in Jesus Christ.

Only through Jesus Christ, through his human trials, through his bitter suffering and death on the Cross and through his Resurrection could we find in various situations of our life a true help and power for our existence in life and in death.

As a community of Catholic Christians we must be supported and stand together in the truth of our traditional Faith and in the celebration of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist!

With all good wishes and tender blessings I am,

Dr. Walter Mixa
Bishop em. of Augsburg

The thank you letter contained the following text:

Lord Jesus Christ,
You Shepherd and Head of Your Church, stand by our Bishop
with the power of Your Blessing,
that he will be inflamed with zeal,
to us an example through his transforming,
to us borne through his love,
to us strengthened by his patience,
to us held in the joy of the Holy Ghost,
to us we receive knowledge from his teaching,
and he unites us to be Your Holy People
and to acclaim at the Liturgy
in the spirit and in the truth

Johann Maria Sailer

I ask for your prayer
for your support
in my service.

Your Bishop +Walter

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