Thursday, June 24, 2010

French Foreign Legion Chaplain Serves Troops in Afghanistan: Hard Core

June 21, 2010. This is just one of a thousand jumps by BenoƮt de Pommerol, the chaplain of the paratrooper brigade of the French Foreign Legion. He's lived with them for 10 years. His last destination was the war in Afghanistan.

Since he came to the Legion, de Pommerol hasn't hesitated to act like a soldier in order to better help them. That's why he trains with the legionaires.

A day in the Legion begins with Mass in a former Soviet bunker on a mountain east of Kabul.

Source: Le Figaro

And Rome Reports, here.

1 comment:

  1. Shame the parachute does not have a white middle section rather than yellow, then it would look like a dog collar
