Friday, March 19, 2010

Dutch Homosexuals Serving in Yugoslavia were part of a Disastrous Equation

Predictably, the Dutch government, which permits all kinds of license and degenerative depravity which has progressively gutted its society and left it open to Islamic predations, now denies legitimate claims that homosexuals serving in their Armed forces "peacekeeping" in Yugoslavia in 1995, as Marine General John Sheehan maintains, were part of the equation in their being overpowered by Serbian militants who then engaged in the largest massacre since the end of the Second World War.

The massacre at Srebrenica which was the result of the unreadiness of Dutch forces, the General said, "...was a net effect of social engineering".

A Telegraph article allows this interesting citation from a man who was excused from the Airforce because of homosexuality,

"The young men and women that are coming into the military today, fresh out of high school or college, have grown up with gay and lesbian characters on TV ... know gays and lesbians in their schools, in their communities, on their sports teams and most assuredly in their military."

Of course, that's part of the problem. Television often portrays various abnormal conditions and situations as normal as a part of conditioning, whether that be the ever-popular single parent family, divorced family, homosexual raising a family and so forth. It doesn't portray a reality, but an ideology which will, in the final analysis, prove disastrous for society in terms of the dangerous demoralization enhanced by such widespread propaganda.

Here's the story from expatica, but you have to ask yourself, since when have Dutch officials, elected or otherwise, generally been any more dependable than their soldiers who allowed the massacre at Srebernica of 8,000 Muslim Civilians?:

The Dutch government rejected a retired US general's claim Thursday that Dutch UN troops failed to prevent the 1995 Srebrenica genocide because their ranks included openly gay soldiers.

"It is astonishing that a man of his stature can utter such complete nonsense," defence ministry spokesman Roger van de Wetering told AFP.

John Sheehan, a former NATO commander and senior Marine officer, made the remarks at a Senate hearing where he argued against plans by President Barack Obama to end a ban on allowing gays to serve openly in the US military.

"The case in point that I'm referring to is when the Dutch were required to defend Srebrenica against the Serbs," he said, referring to the UN peacekeeping force deployed to protect Bosnian Muslim civilians.

"The Srebrenica massacre and the involvement of UN soldiers was extensively investigated by the Netherlands, international organisations and the United Nations. Never was there in any way concluded that the sexual orientation of soldiers played a role," said Van de Wetering.

Sheehan claimed that Dutch leaders, including the former chief of staff of the Dutch army, had told him that the presence of gay soldiers had contributed to the fall of Srebrenica.

"I have never heard of a single statement by a Dutch political or military leader that drew a link between the fall of the enclave and the fact that there were Dutch homosexual soldiers," responded Van de Wetering.

The Dutch ambassador to the US, Renee Jones-Bos, added in a statement on the embassy's website that she "couldn't disagree more" with Sheehan's claims.

"I take pride in the fact that lesbians and gays have served openly and with distinction in the Dutch military forces for decades, such as in Afghanistan at the moment," she said.

Link to expatica...

This socialist Senator who has served Michigan, a State that has itself suffered the ill-effects of socialist pluralism, takes issue with the General's assertion and probably won't be prevailed upon to see the social problems of Holland visited upon the fighting effectiveness of its Army.

It's interesting how he is unwilling to address the issue without any intelligent consideration, it's also especially interesting that Senator Lieberman is also for a repeal of the law forbidding homosexuals in the military.

It would be nice if there were a more intelligent discussion about these social problems as they relate to the readiness of the Military, but from socialist senators like Levin and Joey Lieberman, it's not likely.


  1. It's better that we have homosexual soldiers in the Service that are willing to deploy, leave their families behind and take up the burden of Freedom than Self Righteous moralizers who hide in their houses when the order for mobilization comes.

  2. Homosexuals are generally petty, narcissistic and vengeful, that's the MO; patriotic isn't something I've actually heard from them, since their amoral existence eschews such things as the baggage of a Self Righteous moralizer. I do suppose they like patriotism in the sense that it might lend itself to a parade or a play-acting, roleplaying situation. They also engage in activities that lead to HIV, hepatitis and a number of other diseases that are transferable by blood that people with normal sexual development don't suffer (or worse, expect other people to deal with).
