Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Let the Mindless Knee-Jerk Reactions begin! Vicar says women should "obey husbands."


It's suffragette city after all and many women and their sycophantic male allies will be calling for further amendations of the already heavily amendated King James version of the Bible.

You'd think people would be familiar with (I Cor. 14:34) and (Eph. 5:22) and (1 Cor 11:2-16) for that matter, and they're fairly clear, but so many modern women have a very hard time abiding by these Pauline admonitions.

The most clear way of attack, and one of the more common if disignuous is a resort to the argument by way of historicist readings of the texts.

A vicar has caused outrage among his congregation after urging women to "be silent" and "submit" to their husbands.

Angus MacLeay, rector of St Nicholas Church in Sevenoaks, Kent, made the comments, which some parishioners thought were more in keeping with a sermon from the dark ages than the modern Church of England, in a leaflet entitled "The Role of Women in the Local Church".

In it, he said women should "not speak" if asked a question that could be answered by their husbands and should "submit to their husbands in everything".

Link to original...

h/t: pewsitter

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