Tuesday, January 26, 2010

English and Welsh bishops discuss local issues with Pope Benedict :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

English and Welsh bishops discuss local issues with Pope Benedict :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Catholic Bishops are curious about the problem they face with vocations:

The British Catholic Herald also reported Bishop John Rawsthorne of Hallam as saying that "a shortage of priests would be a key issue during the visit" and expressing his wish to consult with the Pope on the matter, considering that many priests in his diocese will be retiring in the next decade.

Bishop Rawsthorne added that other issues on the agenda for the visit would be the new provision for Anglican communion, tackling the issue of legally-assisted suicide, addressing second marriages among Catholics and adjusting to the impact of immigration on the Catholic Church of England.

Perhaps they should be taking notes from this man in Belgium?

Archbishop Nichols is upbeat, however, and had a lot of positive things. Seems like there's a million more Catholics in UK than previously believed; windfall.

Churchmouse talks about the Tabeltistas [Postmodern Catholics who read the leftist and ever-erroneous Tablet] and complains that since they've had a lock on education, have muted Liverpool Catholics from having a true appreciation of the Mass, and therefore, almost no desire to have a Traditional Latin Mass. Perhaps they would want it if they knew it existed and understood some theology?


  1. Thank you for mentioning my blog -- much appreciated!

    I have enjoyed reading your posts, too.

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