Showing posts with label False Teachers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label False Teachers. Show all posts

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Protestant Hucksters Change Doctrine to Sell Themselves Better

Editor:  Protestant error is a winsome doctrine and ensnares many with false promises of prosperity and eternal happiness.  Some protestant carpet baggers are even selling their popular message in Ukraine. Protestantism is idolatry.  There is no concern for reality, rather a concern for emotions, and ultimately, a concern for the financial benefit of hucksters like Rob "Taco" Bell, here:

[National Post] This is a peculiar place for a former water-skiing instructor and rock band member to find himself. Rob Bell, 40-year-old father of three, author, mega-church pastor who sports skinny jeans and designer glasses, is in the midst of shaking the world of American Protestant orthodoxy to its core — even as he insists he is not sure why.
He is asking tough questions about salvation, upending traditional takes on heaven, hell and who gets saved: “What happens to sinners? What happens to non-Christians? What happens to someone like Gandhi?”
In his new book, Love Wins, quickly a New York Times bestseller, the popular preacher has turned away from the evangelical certainty that heaven is only possible through Jesus Christ. He has suggested that at the end of time God may chase down everyone who has ever lived and make sure they enter his kingdom — hence the title, Love Wins.

Famed American evangelical John Piper summed up his feelings about Love Wins in a cold, three-word tweet: “Farewell Rob Bell.”
 Read further, here...