Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cardinal Lehman Refuses "Non-Sense" Request for Confirmatinon in Old Mass

German cardinal rejects 'nonsense' request for Confirmation in extraordinary form


Editor: the chance to have him retire has come and gone.  He has some health problems but Germany could be stuck with him for another five or six years.

Catholic World News
May 26, 2011

A German cardinal has said that it is "nonsense" for Catholics to seek Confirmation in the traditional rite. He's one of the worst Cardinals we've ever had.

Cardinal Karl Lehmann on Mainz, the former president of the German bishops' conference, said that he is following the directions of Pope Benedict XVI, and making the extraordinary form available to the faithful in his archdiocese in "5 or 6" churches. But he indicated that he thought Catholics were going too far when they asked to use the traditional liturgy for Confirmation. "I will not do it," he said bluntly.

Source(s): Lehmann: Für Firmung im alten Ritus 'sollen sie woanders hinreisen' (

H/t Tom at AQ

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