Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bishop Fellay Sees Prophesies: Cardinal Against Cardinal

All Against All -- That is the Common-Theology of the Second Vatican Council

The General Superior of the Society of Pius X: "We find ourselves in a time, which was unforseen, that Cardinal will stand against Cardinal and Bishop against Bishop."

[] The crisis in the Church is like a wandering through the desert.

Bishop Fellay, the General Superior of the Society of Pius X said this in an interview with the periodical "Noucelles de Chrétienté"

Really in contrast to the wandering of the Israelites in the desert is that Mana is very difficult to find.

The Bishop see really "encouraging signals" from Rome. To be sure they are mixed along with many problems. It is comparable to "a blade of grass in the desert."

Msgr Fellay explained that the Society is only of negligible size: "But we represent living Tradition."

Even a high-ranking Prelate in Rome considers the good fruits of the Society of Pius X as a work of the Holy Ghost -- says Msgr Fellay.

This is the reason, why the Roman authorities have take notice of the Society: "In the midst of the desert, fresh fruit has ripened."

Even in the Vatican Minds Bump into Each Other

The Bishop explained that the Old Mass expresses the Catholic mind, just as the New Mass expresses the Mind of the Second Vatican Council.

Both Rites embody two mental dispositions which do not suit one another.

The question if the tear in the Church also runs through Rome, met with agreement from Msgr Fellay:

"We find ourselves in times, which were foretold, that Cardinal will strive against Cardinal and Bishop against Bishop."

This conflict will be carried out discretely. It is withdrawn from the sight of the faithful.

Actually in the last time the conflict will become open and public. As an example Bishop Fellay mentioned the "baseless attack" of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna against the Cardinal Emeritus Angelo Sodano.

"It is no secret that the opposing tendencies collide with each other even in Rome."

Bishop Fellay has concrete facts, but he does not believe, that their publication will help the faithful.

The Council Allows Various Interpretations

Concerning Ecumenism Msgr Fellay remembered then that the Church regarded other Christian Confessions when Pius XII. (+1958) had inclusively condemned them as "false religions".

He criticized even the manner of interpreting the Second Vatican Council after a so-called Hermenutic of Continuity.

Thus one introduces a "new Council".

Such a centrist Council will be defined by the Modernist as as traditional and by the Society as not traditional enough.

Bishop Fellay infers from this the divergence of interpretations of which there are no lack in the Council documents themselves.

Rebuilding Will be Difficult

Discussing the Church crisis, he explained, that a quick solution will only be accomplished by God and a miracle: "Usually, God leads His Church otherwise -- bu cooperating with his creatures with holiness."

The Bishop described the way to the rebuilding of the Church as, "long, the work immeasurable.":

"If the politics of the naming of Bishops changes, then we could hope."

Msgr Fellay also views the necessity of a thoroughgoing reform of the Teaching Office of the Papal Universities and Priestly formation.

For these aims are needed a long breath. In the moment these are still "dreams": "Everything depends in the first line on the Pope."

Bishop Fellay is posoitive that the Church apparently recognizes the crisis in the Church more clearly.

The Society of St Pius X recognizes for this reason that the Church possesses until today only one valid past.

Read further...


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