Friday, August 12, 2022

Bergoglio Meets Aberrosexual Transvestite Prostitutes of the Roman Markets

Pope Francis received a group of homo-trans prostitutes on Wednesday for the fourth time this year.

(Rome) The Pope has had four meetings with transgender prostitutes in the past few months, the Osservatore Romano noted, in order to ensure the latest encounter deserves due attention.

According to the Spanish daily ABC, Francis addressed homosexual prostitutes with “love, fatherliness and simplicity”. This corresponds to “the goal of the Church to restore these people their dignity by freeing themselves from the slavery that prostitution entails”.

Four transgender groups have already been received by Pope Francis in 2022. The most recent meeting took place last Wednesday, August 10th, during the general audience. The Osservatore Romano, the Pope's daily newspaper, who prefers the leftist La Repubblica. reported under the headline: "Revolution and Hope". 

Under Francis, the left-wing word “revolution” was hastily and inflationarily used in the Church as well. Nothing is more foreign to the Church than the revolution, whose archetype, the French Revolution, became the catalyst for the most radical attacks against the Church and the divine order and became the model for state terror.

Wednesday's meeting came about through the Comunità della Beata Vergine Immacolata in Torvaianica, a Roman seaside resort whose streets and beaches are rotten with gay prostitution.

The French nun Geneviève Jeanningros and the priest Andrea Conocchia take care of the transgender prostitutes who are coveted among homosexuals. Homo-prostitution in Rome, which is veiled under the term “transgender”, briefly came into the limelight when the then head of government of the Latium region, the left-wing democrat, Piero Marrazzo, lost his office in 2009 after a sex and drug video of him with a homo-trans prostitute had emerged.

Sr. Geneviève was also the driving force behind the previous meetings with Francis. She belongs to the Little Sisters of Jesus and is based in Ostia.

In April 2020, a few months after the start of the pseudopandemic, papal almoner Cardinal Konrad Krajewski sent “help to the homo-trans prostitutes of Torvaianica because they had lost their customers to Corona and were in a desperate situation,” according to ABC.

However, the aim of the community around Sr. Geneviève is to liberate the living “supply” for the homo market from the slavery of prostitution, as the Osservatore Romano emphasizes.

"The Pope's attention to people living in great suffering opens up unimaginable hopes."


According to Giampaolo Mattei in the Pope's newspaper, the way in which Francis received these people could "become a spark that stimulates a new life".

"And if that isn't a revolution! The Pope who receives transgender people in audience and addresses them with love, fatherliness and simplicity,” Don Conocchia is quoted as saying.

"No human being should be singled out, everyone has the dignity of being a child of God," said Sr. Geneviève.

The conversion of those affected is the immediate pastoral aspect. In addition to this, there are others: all in all, important things remain unsaid. Essential aspects of the problem of homo-prostitution are not addressed. The desired androgyny of the male prostitute is a direct answer to a request from the homosexual clientele.

Sin is the great absentee. It doesn't seem to exist anymore. Repentance is not shamefully called by its name, nor is witness given for it. Everything is reduced to the question of the "dignity" of the prostitutes who are presented as victims. To a certain extent, they undoubtedly are, but that is only one side of the phenomenon that cannot be done justice by looking at it in isolation. The. Church degrades itself to a social welfare association when, in leftist diction, it stylizes everything as a problem of oppression and discrimination, thereby ignoring the nature of man and sin.

In the climate of a forced homosexualization of public life, comparable papal initiatives can also send out wrong signals - when they are not even wanted.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image (screenshot)

Trans: Tancred



  1. Jesus met a few people of dodgy character too. He didn't dismiss them, but he did last the hypocrites who did. These people diminished others, Jesus built them up.
    Rock throwers have nothing in common with Jesus Christ.

    1. He did’t dismiss them BECAUSE THEY DEMONSTRATED REPENTANCE. Christ met with whores and gamblers and told them to stop whoring and gambling; He didn’t just pay them on the back and tell them they were going to heaven like Mr. Bergoglio does.

  2. People like Joe the Carpenter with rocks in their head have nothing in common with Christ.

  3. Gaybrielle keeps repeating the dishonest coding. GIGO

  4. Joe the Carpenter turns the other check at every visit to the neighborhood homosexual brothel.

  5. there is a difference between stone throwers and sin confirmers

  6. ".....there is a difference between stone throwers and sin confirmers:

    That's exactly what Jesus said but he still condemned the rock throwers and their hypocrisy.

  7. Jesus abhorred the hypocrites who he knew were living lives of filth and yet were ready to stone a woman for her sin. He dealt with the hypocrites but he also dealt ( more compassionately) with the woman and instructed, no, commanded her to go and sin no more.
    St. John Bosco could see the state of young boys souls who were nine, ten and eleven years old and saw some who were in grave sin. His whole life was spent helping those boys out of their poverty and misery in order to give them skills to provide work but most importantly, to save their souls from hell. There is none of this true love in this pontificate. No desire to get these prostitutes off the streets to safety and to restore their dignity. True dignity comes from being restored in Christ. The Pope's message is "keep on living as you have dignity in your degradation. Woe to those who do not have the courage to guide sinners out of their sins.

  8. Jesus calls all of us to a life of repentance for sin. Of all kinds. It is not helpful to sinners of any kind to let them believe they do not sin, because how can that person repent if they do not believe they sin? It is the job of the pope and the church to inform people of sins and repentance and how it is necessary for salvation. For all of us. Love is telling people the truth, even if they do not want to hear it. To do otherwise when souls are on the line is a massive failure to truly love. We should care about the souls of others and eternal destinies.
    To view everything through the Marxist lens of oppressor versus victim is the problem of the world today. The church is filled with Marxists.

  9. Jesus did say that you may cast the first rock if they did not commit a sin.
    In another scripture passage it says not to judge, or you may be judged.Unfortunately, most liberal theologians omit the next lines: that you may judge your brother, but to be careful to remove your larger obstacle or sin blocking your vision, before proceeding to remove the obstacle or sin in your brother's eye.
    It is a warning to liberals and woke activists to not go charging others with crimes like "racism" or "sexism" or "homophobia", unless they themselves are able to see clearly.

  10. Jesus Christ has called us all to repentance so that we can all turn from sin and be saved. But Bergoglio confirms the transvestites in perversion.
    Bergoglio defies divine natural law and the moral doctrine of the Church by calling homosexual male transvestites women. This is not only apostasy but also diabolical.

    Bergoglio already in Argentina promoted gay adoptions, homosexual civil unions and reaffirmed the false pseudo-identity of transvestite homosexuals.


  11. "Sin is the great absentee. It doesn't seem to exist anymore' complains Joe Nardi.
    Since you're so bloody upset, Joe, go out and create a tidal wave of sins, preferably very big naughty ones.
    Don't be coy, just do it.

  12. I like how you never have substantive complaints about people you criticize, Gaybrielle, I get this picture of a seething queer who doesn’t like what someone’s saying about his sodomy, and doesn’t quite know how to engage critics of sodomy while seeming disinterested and fair. 😂

  13. Bergoglio can meet with sinners, but a legit Pope would also say to them, "Go, and sin no more".

  14. Everybody except for Gaybrielle did good here.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
